Mar 28, 2025  
2019-2020 Catalog 
2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Life Handbook

Student Life Handbook Table of Contents


The Mohave Community College Student Life Program is administered by the Office of Student Services in conjunction with the campus deans at each of the College’s four locations. The College reserves the right to modify procedures in its discretion, when such action will serve the best interest of the College and/or its students.


Student Life at MCC

Student Life at Mohave Community College complements and enhances the College academic experience. Students find camaraderie and personal growth opportunities to expand their horizons and further develop leadership skills at MCC through cultural, social and recreational activities, events and programs.

MCC has a Student Activities Council (SAC) at each campus that serves as an umbrella to all other student clubs and organizations. Campus SACs provide possible assistance in funding and additional guidance in establishing events and activities that foster leadership and growth. All registered students are members of the campus SAC and may be eligible to run and be elected to hold office, provided they meet the established requirements.

Club or Organization Information

When MCC students, staff or faculty wish to create a student club, they need to notify the campus dean on their designated campus and proceed with establishing each of the required items addressed in this document. In order to function at the College, all student clubs and organizations (“clubs”) at MCC need to:

  • Maintain an advisor
  • Have adequate club members/officers
  • Establish a club constitution
  • Uphold acceptable behavior in order to function within the College

Without one (1) or more of these components, the club will become inactive.

Further, a student organization is considered inactive when it is dormant for two (2) semesters. After this time, the student activities council advisor on the club’s designated MCC campus may attempt to contact the president listed and faculty/staff advisor to let them know the organization will be dissolved within two (2) weeks of the notification.

Any existing funds will be allocated per the dissolved club’s request as long as the funds are spent/allocated in accordance with MCC’s policies and procedures and the decision is made with at least one (1) student representative of the dissolved club involved. If a decision is not made or proper representation cannot be found, the funds can be moved to the current Student Activities Council account to be used on future student activities and events upon SAC approval and submission to business office.

Advisor Role

A full-time staff or faculty member must agree to serve as the advisor for the club, with permission/approval from the chief student services officer in collaboration with the designated campus dean. The advisor will provide oversight to the club as well as ensure it is compliant with the College’s policies and procedures. The advisor will also monitor the club’s accounts and expenditures in conjunction with the members of the club and MCC’s business office.

Without an advisor, the club cannot exist. Advisors have a unique role in the development and growth of student life at the College, and serve as a vital link between the College and the students. Further, they serve as valuable resources, mentors and role models for students, particularly in the areas of leadership, communication, and personal growth.

The club advisor and its members work together to ensure that the club fulfills its established goals and mission. 

NOTE: At MCC, the campus dean has the privilege of serving as the advisor of the Student Activity Council on each campus.

Advisor Responsibilities

As a designated advisor of a student club, advisors are entrusted with a variety of responsibilities. Advisors must:

  • Be familiar with the mission, goals and objectives of the club and the College.
  • Willingly assist students in familiarizing themselves with whom to contact for any questions about College policies and procedures that pertain to student clubs (i.e. issues concerning student conduct, use of campus facilities and resources, handling complaints, purchasing, etc.).
  • Be present or represented by a designee at meetings and club events.
  • Inform officers of any serious failure of the club or its members in assuming responsibilities and assist in rectifying the problem(s).
  • Follow proper procedures when any misconduct or violation of policy occurs.
  • Maintain a liaison function between the organization and the College administration.
  • Be aware of liability issues; thus, limiting unnecessary risks by applying “reasonable person” standard precautions to prevent problems.
  • Assist with goal setting and facilitate conflict resolution.
  • Provide budget and proposal development.
  • Teach and model techniques and responsibilities of effective leadership.
  • Participate in the orientation and training of new officers.
  • Facilitate communication among club members.
  • Assist in developing operational guidelines.
  • Serve as a direct point of contact in assisting students in familiarizing themselves with College policies and procedures.
  • Report and manage misconduct or violation of policy that may harm students, SAC, or the College via MCC established policies and procedures processes.
  • Offer new program, event ideas - suggest new perspectives.
  • Help students apply theories learned in the classroom.

Every student club is required to have a constitution that establishes the fundamental principles in order to be recognized at MCC. After club members meet and establish officers, a draft constitution is required and must be provided to the campus dean for review and feedback after club members meet and establish officers. Constitutions, depending on the club or organization can be found under Appendix I.

IMPORTANT! The constitution must be reviewed during the fall semester on an annual basis by all club members; with the club providing a new constitution to the campus dean’s office if/when changes are made.

All club constitutions are stored in the campus dean’s office.

Membership and Officers

Currently enrolled students at MCC are encouraged to be active in student life at MCC. A club at MCC must have and retain at least four (4) members and at a minimum, two (2) officers (president and secretary or treasurer) to keep the club’s recognition at MCC.

Discrimination in determining club membership on the basis of age, creed, color, race, sex, religion, national origin, or disability is strictly prohibited.

Club officer positions are listed in Appendix II and consist of president, vice-president/president-elect, secretary and treasurer. Club positions may be added depending on the needs of the club. 

The office of president cannot be held in more than one (1) club or active organization at MCC, including Student Activities Council.


All members and participating individuals of clubs and organizations at MCC are subject to local, state and federal laws, as well as MCC’s policies and procedures and its Student Code of Conduct . Student behavior violations of any club will be dealt with per MCC’s Student Code of Conduct  and the incident report/behavioral alert process.

Additional Responsibilities of Student Clubs

Student clubs must:

  • Adhere to the policies and procedures of MCC.
  • Obtain approval from the campus dean for all student functions (and College administration, when applicable).
  • Have an advisor or appropriate designee present at all approved campus activities of the organization.
  • Keep the name of the College in good standing in all functions and actions.
  • Consult with the campus dean regarding the operation and needs of the organization.
  • Ensure the development, filing, and posting of minutes/proceedings of all meetings.
    • NOTE: Suggested effective meeting procedures can be found under Appendix III, with guidelines for parliamentary procedure found under Appendix IV.
  • Inform the campus dean immediately if situations arise that could cause problems for any individual member or for the College.
  • Recognize that the campus dean has the right and responsibility to express an opinion on issues which affect the welfare of the organization and the College.
  • Avoid activities that pose undue risk to the safety of individuals or that create liability for the SAC or MCC.
  • Demonstrate financial responsibility with all funds, College and student fee allocations, according to established policies and procedures.
Student Club Privileges and Benefits

Student clubs and members have numerous privileges and benefits as part of student life at MCC, including:

  • Affiliation and use of the College name.
  • Opportunity to hold social functions on campus.
  • Use of the College grounds, facilities, and equipment.
  • Use of the student centers for meetings and social events.
  • Opportunity to provide structured social outlets and network with fellow students.
  • Access to Colleges services, e.g. club mailboxes.
  • Space to display flyers, posters and banners – with campus dean approval.
  • Ability to complement and extend the learning activities of MCC students.
  • Opportunity to expand on existing interests and experiment with new activities.
  • Opportunity to provide students with experiences to build leadership skills and workforce skills that can enhance a student’s professional development.
  • Campus involvement and community service.
  • Opportunity to enhance classroom experience(s).
  • Eligibility for awards and honors presented to student organizations and members.

Program and Activity Fund Planning

Student Life Funding

Student activity fees, which all students contribute to when they register for classes at MCC, largely support student life activities, events, and programming at the College. The funds are managed by the Student Activities Council (SAC) on each campus.

The fee is provided to improve the co-curricular environment for students, encourage activities that will complement academic programs, provide students with opportunities for leadership and cooperative planning, and encourage social and cultural interests. All expenditures have a common denominator – the money is used for the benefit of the MCC student body.

Campus clubs can approach the campus SAC for funds for activities and programs that support student life at the College. The SAC, under the supervision and guidance of the SAC advisor, will review the request and make a decision regarding available funds.

To request funds, clubs must fill out the Student Club/Organization - Activities Request form, after they obtain proper approval from SAC and ensure it is documented accordingly in proceedings.


Note that it is critically important that the approval of all SAC and club fund spending is clearly shown as approved in proceedings that are provided with the Student Club/Organization Activities Request.

Expenditures of more than $999.99 require approval of the Chief Financial Officer on the Student Club/Organization - Activities Request form.

IMPORTANT: SACs are not allowed to fundraise, since SACs are subsidized by student funds.

In the absence of a SAC, the campus dean can choose to hold a meeting with one (1) percent of campus student population to review the request and provide or deny approval of the club request.


The range of activities that can be funded is broad. The following list of general ideas for campus activities is not all inclusive and the categories are not mutually exclusive.

Examples of potential areas for funding consideration:

  • Entertainment/learning series or one-time events (lectures, music, bands, movies, etc.).
  • Media, including student publications.
  • Publicity and promotion for student activities.
  • Campus health and recreation programs. NOTE: This area includes walking/jogging paths, MCC sport tournaments, intramural sports, quality recreational and education programs that foster awareness about healthy lifestyles and will serve the needs of students.

Further, students may vote to consider the use of a portion of fee income for facility upgrades and refurbishing in direct support of the out-of-class experience. Renovating/upgrading student lounges, and areas other than classrooms that are heavily used by students is an option in this category.


Once an event or activity is approved, the student club advisor can visit the College’s Marketing and Public Information Office’s webpage at to fill out the MPIO Request Form located under the MCC News header for consideration in creating a press release.

Student clubs are responsible for developing and distributing promotional materials for their approved event once approved by the campus dean for content and distribution. Club activities and other functions can also be promoted and advertised using social media, provided the club advisor and members follow MCC’s Social Media Manager’s Guide (found at when applicable.

Requests need to be made one (1) month in advance to be considered. Please contact the Campus Dean’s office with concerns or questions.

Activity/Program Risk

In considering, planning, and organizing student events, risk management must be included. With regard to student activities, risk management means making sure that no one gets hurt and that property is not damaged at an organization’s event.

All activities and events should be carefully evaluated before finalizing plans. 

Each event must be assessed by the campus dean in collaboration with the organization or club organizing and planning it, based on the following categories/definitions:

Low: Activities like general get-togethers, club meetings, movie screenings, etc., fall into the low risk category. These events either pose no inherent risk to participants or pose only a general risk similar to that posed by sedate activities such as reading or attending lectures. IMPORTANT: Clubs holding movie screenings must have obtained copyright permission to show the movie. Campus libraries are the campus contacts regarding copyright permissions.

Moderate: Activities considered to have a moderate risk are those such as outdoor events or sporting events at which some risk of contact injury is present but is not excessive, extreme or frequent. The events are normally well-conducted, but the safety of the participants depends on the implementation of safety equipment and/or procedures. The College in conjunction with club members and advisor(s) will need to reduce risks by implementing controls where possible.

NOTE: Any activity or event that includes fundraising is considered a moderate or high risk category – depending on other factors of the activity/event.

High: Some activities involve significant risk but could still be rendered safe for students through the careful use of mitigation measures to reduce the risk to tolerable levels. These activities, such as concerts, would require working with other College personnel, club members, and advisor(s) to ensure appropriate safety measures are in place.

Activities that are determined as high risk must be reviewed by the Risk Committee. This may add at least a month to your event/project timeline.

IMPORTANT: Club advisors must receive an email from their campus dean notifying them of all necessary approvals before implementing/participating in the event/activity. Clubs may also be notified if the event/activity has been denied via email from their campus dean. Clubs cannot implement/participate in the proposed activity unless the Student Club/Organization - Activities Request Form has been approved by all necessary parties – with official notification from their campus dean.

The College shall have sole discretion in identifying activities or events that will not be endorsed by MCC.

REMINDER: If the proposed event includes any of the following factors, it falls into the moderate or high risk category and must have additional review and approval by College administration:

  • External performers/entertainers
  • Involves/invites the public
  • Potentially hazardous
  • Involves/invites minors
  • Solicitation/fundraising (see fundraising guidelines)

For a quick guide/reference for activity approval processes please refer to the bottom of the last page of the Student Club/Organization - Activities Request Form.

Student Activity Expenditures

Officers of the Student Activities Council with the oversight and guidance of the SAC advisor shall:

  • Develop and monitor all budgets and expenditures within the guidelines of the SAC constitution and Mohave Community College policies and procedures.
  • Annually recommend the allocation of revenues and propose, if needed, policies and procedures for administering the student activities budget.

Each spring, current SAC officers in collaboration with the SAC advisor may do the planning process for student activities for the next academic year. The draft plan needs to have a projected budget and proposed activities and initiatives for the student body to consider and review during an established SAC meeting. An internal and external timeline must also be developed. Additional students and/or clubs are welcome to attend the planning session and need to be invited.

Any purchase of gift cards requires prior approval by the club minutes and the campus dean, AND prior notification to the business office prior to purchase. A gift card is considered a form of cash, thus has a higher risk for misappropriation. When a club or organization purchases gift cards, it is mandatory that the business office is notified prior to ensure the purchase and distribution is tracked on the gift card tracking form.

If a formal SAC does not exist at this time, the campus dean may hold an open planning session with at least one (1) percent of the campus student population to consider and vote on activity ideas as well as establish pertinent timelines, for activity implementation.

Activities and programs in the plan must be voted on and, following parliamentary procedures, approved by the SAC or other students, depending on which one is applicable, to move forward.

College clubs can approach the campus SAC for funds for activities and programs that support student life at the College. The SAC, under the supervision and guidance of the campus dean, will review the request and make a decision regarding available funds.

NOTE: The business office, in consultation with the Free Expression Subcommittee of the College’s Risk, Policy and Procedure Committee, the chief student services officer and the campus deans, shall prepare a student activity fee annual financial report. The report will be provided to the state per Arizona Revised Statute §15-1868 as well be available to interested parties and provided to the College president. Upon request of the president, the College may conduct an internal audit of its student activity fund, which shall be made available to interested parties.

Fundraising Policy
  • Fundraising is limited to approved/chartered clubs.
  • Fundraising activities for student clubs are encouraged and afford all participants with learning leadership experiences; and provide opportunity to build club accounts for future activities.
  • Fundraising cannot include raffles.
MCC Club Fundraising Requirements
  • In order for a club at Mohave Community College to participate in a fundraiser, the club must be formally recognized by MCC. REMINDER: SACs are not allowed to fundraise, since they are subsidized by student funds.
  • All student organizations must keep adequate records showing how the money was raised, how the funds have or will be spent, and the balances associated with spending club funds. Information on development of a spreadsheet may be obtained through campus dean to assist with this matter.
  • No individual or group may solicit business on campus with students or faculty without prior approval of the campus dean and MCC administration.
Fundraising Guidelines
  • All fundraising activities must be submitted on a proposed Student Club/Organization - Activities Request Form, four (4) weeks prior to activity.
  • Fundraising activities must be approved by the club advisor, the campus dean, and College administration.
  • The collection and expenditure of funds derived from student club fundraising activities shall be consistent with the stated purpose and goals of the College.
  • Funds raised by chartered student organizations shall be for the non-profit use of the sponsoring organization, or donated to a registered charitable organization.
  • Advisors, officers and members cannot receive monetary gain from the fundraising of the group.
  • Income cannot be given or loaned out under any circumstances to any person.
  • Off campus solicitation of any kind (goods, services, pro-bono work or money) must be approved through the proposed Student Club/Organization - Activities Request Form, and by the MCC Foundation office to prevent duplication of effort.
  • Any on or off campus solicitations for money or in-kind gifts must be reviewed by College administration for compatibility with the institutional purpose and state and local laws.
  • No clubs may sell meals or food unless purchased pre-packaged or the food/meals are prepared by a caterer.
  • The Student Club/Organization Activities Request Form MUST BE completed, MUST BE signed, and APPROVED IN WRITING by all applicable parties four (4) weeks before the fundraiser occurs.
  • The purchase order included in the Student Club/Organization Activity Request Form must include all documented approvals.
  • All expenses for the fundraiser must be paid through the business office following the purchase order procedures through a petty cash request. A cash box may be requested to have change on hand for the event. No funds distributions should be made directly from the cash box for any purchases or reimbursements. The full amount of funds originally starting in the cash box must be returned after the event and deposited back into the cash box account code. All event proceeds should be turned in for depositing into the club account. Any reimbursements can then be issued via the purchase order procedures.
  • All checks collected during the fundraiser must be made payable to the order of Mohave Community College and have driver’s license information of the person who wrote the check, per the MCC cash handling procedures handbook.
  • All money raised must be submitted to the campus office technician for receipting or if in Kingman, to the business office within twenty-four (24) hours of the completion of the fundraiser, or as soon as the business office is available for deposit in the club account. The club advisor will arrange for a formal accounting of funds to the business services department.
  • Any solicitation of prizes from vendors outside the College must be approved by the club advisor and accompanied by a letter signed by the campus dean, in conjunction with agreement/consent from the MCC Foundation.

Financial Management and Guidelines

All forms for requesting use of funds for SAC or clubs can be found on the Student Forms webpage.

NOTE: All clubs are required to follow the financial and business services procedures and policies as provided in the Mohave Community College Policies and Procedures Manual – under 5.077 Financial and Business Services.

Authority for Expenditures

Expenditure of student activity fees shall be available for activities recommended by the Student Activities Council. The campus dean must authorize all expenditures (regardless of amount). College administration must all be involved and authorize proposed expenditures that go above five hundred dollars ($500) or demonstrate medium to high risk.

IMPORTANT: Where risk level dictates College administration approval, activity requests should be provided four (4) weeks in advance of the event for a full and comprehensive review.

If administration requests additional paperwork, etc., it may take SAC longer than the initial time period allotted. SAC and clubs should plan accordingly.

Requesting Funding from the Student Activities Council

Recognized/chartered clubs and organizations may request funds from the Student Activities Council to provide funds or supplement funds raised for approved projects or approved travel. To request funds, clubs must follow these steps:

  1. If an event qualifies for SAC funds, clubs must complete the Student Club/Organization Activities Request Form.
  2. All forms required must be filled out electronically.
  3. All required signatures for approval must be received prior to submitting forms to business office.
  4. Forms must have attached all supporting paperwork/quotes that support the amount of the requested expenditure.
  5. Forms must have attached copy of SAC or club/organization minutes showing approval of event and money allocated. Please be specific - do not use general terms like “incidentals.” Form must be detailed (i.e. decorations, supplies, prizes, etc.)
  6. Once the above steps have been completed and prior to acquiring funds, the SAC or club/organization must receive an approved copy of the form from the business office, via the campus dean.


IMPORTANT: No personal reimbursement for purchases will be made without prior approval and properly completed paperwork.

Receiving and Handling Funds

All dealings with student funds must follow MCC policies and procedures. If there are any supplies, food items, catering needs, etc., associated with an event, the club and campus dean must use the purchase order section of the Student Club/Organization - Activities Request Form and/or P-Card process if available.

In addition, the Student Club/Organization Activities - Request Form, Request for Purchase Order section must detail where the cash is to be spent and what is to be purchased.

Purchase Orders/P-Cards

After the Student Club/Organization Activities - Request Form is complete and the club proceedings are attached that discuss/approve the expenditure by the club, the paperwork is turned in to the campus dean for them to work with their secretary for processing and ordering of items.

Cash Drawer

If a club is holding an event where items are being sold and money is being exchanged, a cash drawer is required. A cash drawer provides a means of temporarily storing cash during and between point of sale transactions and provides the ability to give change.

When using a cash drawer, the money collected is turned in for deposit and the cash drawer is separately identified from the money collected at the fundraising event. The money is due the day of the event or as soon as a cashier is available. The account number must be provided when money in the cash drawer is returned.

When an organization utilizes a cash drawer, the following list of information and tasks must be completed:

  • Cash limit is fifty dollars ($50) and the club/organization needs to allow three (3) weeks from the date the paperwork is submitted to obtain the cash drawer.
  • Request for Purchase Order section of Student Club/Organization Activities - Request Form.
    • The club treasurer will be the requestor and the cash custodian.
    • All checks to be deposited will be made payable to Mohave Community College.
    • Special instructions – indicate preference for delivery of the check– mailed or picked up from business office, located on the Kingman campus.
    • Complete form plus get the appropriate signatures.
    • Attach an approved Student Club/Organization Activities - Request Form with appropriate signatures, and SAC or club minutes approving the event before sending to the business office.
  • At the end of the event (within 24 hours) or as soon as possible, all funds must be deposited at the campus student services front desk for the cash drawer with the original receipts from the event.

NOTE: Receipts must be dated, provide name of entity or person paid, show the amount paid, and have two signatures (club member, officer, or club advisor).

  • When returning the cash drawer, the Student Activities Council or club/organization Cash Drawer Report Form must be completed and provided.
Petty Cash

Petty cash is provided to an organization or club, after approval, to shop for the necessary items needed for the event/activity.

Petty cash is to be used as a last resort in getting the items needed for an activity or event.

When using petty cash:

  • Petty cash is NOT to be used to bypass the normal approval process or because proper planning wasn’t done in a timely manner. Care needs to be exercised in the requests for and use of petty cash to avoid the cancellation of the privilege of using this method of making purchases.
  • As soon as the event for which the petty cash was expended is completed, the petty cash custodian must complete the reconciliation sheet, attach the original receipts, obtain appropriate approvals, and send the original receipts to Business Office (Kingman campus, building 102).
  • No more than two hundred dollars ($200) is allowed in petty cash. It typically takes three (3) weeks to process the form from the time of approval to the check for petty cash to be issued.
  • To purchase supplies directly related to an event, the club needs to fill out the PO request portion (along with providing the rest of the information) included in the Student Club/Organization Activities - Request Form with a list of the types of items to be purchased, proposed vendor(s), approximate costs, and indication that petty cash is needed under the section “Special Instructions”. 
  • All checks will be made out to the club advisor.
  • Preference for delivery of a check (mailed or picked up from Business Office) needs to be indicated under “Special Instructions” on the requisition.
  • Attach Student Club/Organization Activities - Request Form and SAC or club proceedings approving the event before sending to the business office (Kingman campus, building 102).
  • When supplies have been purchased, the club advisor must complete the reconciliation sheet, attach the original receipts, return the unused cash to the college through the student services office technician at the local campus, obtain appropriate approvals, and send the original receipts electronically to Business Office (Kingman campus, building 102).

Student Travel Guidelines

NOTE: All student travel forms can be found on the Student Forms webpage:

  • Requests for travel by SAC or club members must be submitted via a Student Travel Request Form no less than thirty (30) days prior to the travel date – regardless if it is in-state or out-of-state travel. In-town travel of club members does not require Student Travel Request Forms.
  • A club advisor must always be present with the club members and is responsible for travel arrangements and club activities.
  • College personnel may NOT use their own vehicle to transport students.
  • Student to employee ratio definition will be at the siscretion of the Campus Dean.
  • Approval of SAC or club travel in College-rented vehicles is subject to the availability of funding and must be approved by the campus dean, per college policy. Only College employees are authorized to drive College-rented vehicles.
  • No College-rented vehicles used for SAC or club activities may be parked at an airport. However, they may be used to transport personnel to and from the airport.
  • If a rental vehicle is not available, SAC or club members may use their own vehicles with approval from the College and under the condition that a liability waiver is signed by all traveling SAC or club members and submitted to the business services department prior to travel. When a private vehicle is used, the driver’s personal automobile insurance provides primary coverage. Prior to the use of a personal vehicle, proof of insurance must be provided to the business services department.
  • Mohave Community College will pay for the advisor’s travel expenses with the approval of the campus dean and chief student services officer. Students are responsible for their own expenses or must use available SAC or club funds, if approved.
  • Travel claim forms must be completed by the College employee after travel is complete with original receipts attached before any reimbursement is paid.
  • All rental vehicles are to be returned to the rental agency with a full tank of gas or the amount of gas that the car had when it was rented and the vehicle must be clean.
Checklist - Student Travel Request

NOTE: All out of state travel must be approved by the College president. Each SAC or club member traveling must also complete the Student Travel Request Form found at

All student travelers must complete a Student Travel Request Form. Advisors should use the College employee travel form.

If expenses are to be pre-paid by the College, mark the Travel Request Form and attach necessary information and/or forms.

If personal vehicles are being driven, attach copies of all driver’s licenses and current insurance card.

A travel claim form will need to be completed by an advisor after the travel is complete even if no reimbursable expenses are claimed to close out the travel status.

IMPORTANT: Club advisors must receive an email from their campus dean, notifying them of all necessary approvals before traveling. Clubs may also be notified if the trip has been denied via email from their campus dean. Clubs cannot travel unless the (Student) Travel Request Form have been received and the Student Club/Organization - Activities Request Form has been approved by all necessary parties – with official notification from their campus dean.

SAC Election Rules and Regulations

General Requirements

All elections held by the Student Activities Council of Mohave Community College must occur in an electronic format. All candidates will appear alphabetically on the ballot. All candidates must be academically eligible and a current student at MCC with at least twelve (12) credit hours earned at the College and a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 in order to run for office.

Declaration of Candidacy

All persons interested in running for any office on the Student Activities Council must complete a Declaration of Candidacy for the applicable position.

  • Nominating petitions with a minimum of twenty-five (25) signatures must be submitted to be considered as officially running for an elected office.
  • All petitions must be submitted to the campus dean.
  • No petitions turned in past the established deadline will be accepted.
  • All candidates must be academically eligible to run for any office.
  • All signatures must be from currently enrolled MCC students.
  • Duplicate signatures on the petition will only count once. Each signature written legibly must be accompanied by the last four (4) digits of the MCC ID number.
  • Illegible names and signatures will not be counted.
  • Only candidates may collect signatures.
  • Supporters may not aid in the collection of signatures.
  • Any petition containing an infraction of the above mentioned violations will be discounted.
  • The discounted signatures will translate into docked votes when ballots are counted.
  • Fraudulent or forged signatures will result in the disqualification of the candidate.
  • There is to be no campaigning in any way prior to the assigned date and time set by the campus dean.
  • All posters displayed on campus bulletin boards must be limited to 8 1/2” x 11” in size.
  • Posters are permitted on tile surfaces. Only one (1) poster per candidate may be posted on any given bulletin board or wall section.
  • A wall section is defined as the area between two (2) doors or two (2) windows, or a window and a door. All posters must list the dates and times, as well as the full names and positions of the candidates running for office.
  • All campaign materials must be approved by the campus dean.
  • The campaign materials may not be altered in any way after they have been approved.
  • All original fliers should be approved by the campus dean before photocopies are made using that original.
  • No campaign materials may be posted or distributed off campus. No campaign materials may be posted or distributed in parking lots.
  • Loudspeakers, megaphones, and public address systems may not be used by a candidate or any of their supporters.
  • Campaigning via social networking is allowed, however, all election rules and ethics must be followed.

NOTE: Candidates are responsible for checking their MCC email daily to obtain updates on the elections process.

Polls and Voting

All voting will take place electronically via MCC’s learning management system and be arranged through the campus dean’s office.

The position of each candidate for office on the ballot will appear alphabetically and voted on separately.

All candidates are responsible for the removal of all campaign materials from College grounds by 4 p.m. on the last day of voting.

Complaints and Violations

If a candidate violates any of the rules, they will be ineligible to participate in the SAC election as determined by the campus dean. If they choose to dispute the campus dean’s ruling, they may follow the student grievance process or student code of conduct, depending on the issue.

Filling Vacant SAC Positions

If officer positions are vacant after the formal elections, they can be filled by application or nominations anytime throughout the academic year.

To fill vacancies:

  • SAC will post open positions on the MCC Student Life and Leadership webpage and in appropriate places on campus.
  • SAC will accept nominations and/or applications for vacant offices.
  • Applications will go to the campus dean for confirmation of eligibility.
  • Approved applications/nominations will be voted on by the SAC at the next meeting.
  • Positions will be filled by vote of a simple majority of those present.
  • Voting will be by secret ballot if more than one (1) candidate is running for the same position.

Appendix I - Constitutions

The tenants and principles noted throughout the constitutions, depending on organization, are required - significant deviations will not be approved.

The constitution template approved by the College for club use can be found at under “Student Club/Organization - Sample Constitution.”

Student Activities Council Constitution

The Student Activities Council Constitution is below and required for all SACs due to the nature of their responsibilities and the oversight they are given regarding student funding.


We, the students of Mohave Community College, desiring to organize, promote, and sponsor College functions and activities for students, faculty, and staff; to promote student leadership; to promote student awareness of self and environment; to foster the recognition of rights and responsibilities of students to the College and the community; to promote positive relationships and mutual understanding among and between students, faculty, staff, and administration; to encourage the spirit of loyalty and respect for the College and its endeavors; do ordain and establish this Constitution for the students of Mohave Community College.

Article I: Name, Mascot, Colors

Name: Student Activities Council, SAC of all MCC campuses

Mascot: The mascot of this organization shall be the College mascot

Colors: The colors of this organization shall be the College colors

Article II: Purpose

The purpose and mission of this organization is to:

  • Organize, promote and sponsor, College functions and activities for students, and the College community.
  • Provide opportunities to enhance leadership, effective reasoning, and critical thinking skills.
  • Promote awareness of self and the environment.
  • Endorse a sense of civic responsibility.
  • Foster recognition of rights and responsibilities of students to the College and community.
  • Promote positive and meaningful interpersonal relationships and mutual understanding among and between students, faculty, and staff.
  • Encourage the spirit of loyalty and respect for the college.
  • It is also the purpose of this organization to abide by the Student Code of Conduct and uphold the educational mission of Mohave Community College.
Article III: Membership

Section 1: Membership

  • Membership shall consist of all registered students enrolled in academic credit classes for the semester.
  • Membership on the Council shall entitle such members to vote in the election of the officers for the Council and to receive any other benefits offered by the Council.
  • It shall be so stated as part of the SAC membership that there shall be no form or type of discrimination in the group, whether it be due to one’s race, color, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sex, age, religion, gender identity, gender expression, disability, or sexual orientation.
  • Revocation of officers shall occur as defined by the following circumstances:
    • Any breach of the Student Code of Conduct as defined in the MCC Student Handbook.
    • Failure to attend two (2) or more consecutive meetings without approval by the advisor.
    • Failure to comply with the required commitment of duties as identified for officer position as defined in this document.
  • Revocation of officer positions will be in writing, signed by the advisor and the campus dean.

Section 2: Executive Committee

The executive committee of the Student Activities Council shall consist of the elected officers, president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and one representative from each active chartered club.

Article IV: Officers/Elections/Impeachment

Section 1: Officers

The four (4) elective Student Activities Council officers are by title:

  • President
  • Vice president
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer

Section 2: Qualifications


  • Have completed twelve (12) academic credit hours at Mohave Community College.
  • Must be in good academic standing with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.
  • There must be no evidence of previous activities in violation of the MCC policies, procedures, or the Student Code of Conduct.
  • There must be no evidence of behaviors that could be construed as unethical, unlawful, or disrespectful to students, faculty, or staff of MCC or the College in general.
  • Receive nominations as required and be elected by a simple majority (51%) of the eligible votes cast.

Vice President:

  • Have completed twelve (12) academic credit hours at Mohave Community College.
  • Must be in good academic standing with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.
  • There must be no evidence of previous activities in violation of the MCC policies, procedures, or the Student Code of Conduct.
  • There must be no evidence of behaviors that could be construed as unethical, unlawful, or disrespectful to students, faculty, or staff of MCC or the College in general.
  • Receive nominations as required and be elected by a simple majority (51%) of the eligible votes cast.


  • Have completed twelve (12) academic credit hours at Mohave Community College.
  • Must be in good academic standing with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.
  • There must be no evidence of previous activities in violation of the MCC policies, procedures, or the Student Code of Conduct.
  • There must be no evidence of behaviors that could be construed as unethical, unlawful, or disrespectful to students, faculty, or staff of MCC or the College in general.
  • Receive nominations as required and be elected by a simple majority (51%) of the eligible votes cast.


  • Have completed twelve (12) academic credit hours at Mohave Community College.
  • Must be in good academic standing with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.
  • There must be no evidence of previous activities in violation of the MCC policies, procedures, or the Student Code of Conduct.
  • There must be no evidence of behaviors that could be construed as unethical, unlawful, or disrespectful to students, faculty, or staff of MCC or the College in general.
  • Receive nominations as required and be elected by a simple majority (51%) of the eligible votes cast.

Section 3: Nominations

Qualified candidates for the offices of president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer will file for candidacy with the campus dean no later than five (5) days before the general election.

Elections will be by secret ballot. Nominees must follow established election rules.

Section 4: Elections

  • Elections for Student Activities Council officers will be held annually during the fall semester with elected officers serving the current fall and spring semesters.
  • All elected officers and members will hold office for a term of one (1) academic year (fall and spring semesters) unless removed by action of the College administration, or the Student Activities Council.

Section 5: Vacancies

  • In the case of a vacancy in the Student Activities Council due to resignation, dismissal for absenteeism, or unsatisfactory grades, the Student Activities Council will accept applications for such vacancy for one (1) week.
  • The Student Activities Council will elect new member(s) from the applicants by a simple majority vote.
  • Clubs that lose representation will be asked to select new representation.

Section 6: Impeachment

  • May be brought against any officer of the SAC by majority vote of the SAC officers.
  • Grounds for impeachment:
    • Failure to uphold the duties of the office.
    • Conduct not becoming an officer of the SAC.
Article V: Officers Duties and Responsibilities

Section 1: The President shall:

  • Preside over all meetings and develop each agenda.
  • Call and conduct all meetings of the Student Activities Council in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.
  • Not simultaneously hold the office of president in any other club or active organization at MCC.
  • Carry out the provisions of the SAC constitution.
  • Appoint committees and chairpersons and serve as ex-officio member of every committee.
  • Be an ex-officio member of the Campus Communication Council.
  • In the event of an office resignation, shall appoint a replacement until such time as elections are held.
  • Have the right to place motions before the Student Activities Council and make requests on behalf of the College and/or Club/Organization.
  • Vote only in case of a tie.
  • Register for and successfully complete the required student leadership course.

Section 2: The Vice President shall:

  • Assume the duties of the president during their absence.
  • Succeed to the presidency upon presidential vacancy.
  • Be familiar with presidential duties.
  • Have the right to place motions before the Student Activities Council and make requests on behalf of the College and/or Club/Organization.
  • Have the right to vote on all motions made before the Student Activities Council.
  • Register for and successfully complete the required student leadership course.

Section 3: The Secretary shall:

  • Maintain a record of all Student Activities Council meetings.
  • Print and distribute agendas and proceedings for all meetings.
  • Be in charge of official correspondence of the Student Activities Council.
  • Act as presiding officer of the Student Activities Council in the absence of both the president and the vice president.
  • Maintain an active membership roster of officers and club representatives to contact for special or emergency meetings.
  • Have the right to place motions before the Student Activities Council and make requests on behalf of the College and/or Club/Organization.
  • Have the right to vote on all motions made before the Student Activities Council.
  • Register for and successfully complete the required student leadership course.

Section 4: The Treasurer shall:

  • Record income and expenditures of the Student Activities Council in accordance with MCC policies and procedures as set.
  • Approve all purchases prior to procurement.
  • Initialize payment of all bills.
  • Present a treasury report at all meetings.
  • Prepare an annual audit for the campus dean.
  • Have the right to place motions before the Student Activities Council and make requests on behalf of the College and/or Club/Organization.
  • Have the right to vote on all motions made before the Student Activities Council.
  • Register for and successfully complete the required student leadership course.

Section 5: The Parliamentarian shall:

  • Be appointed by the president with confirmation of the Student Activities Council members.
  • Be versed in the rules and procedures of parliamentary law (Robert’s Rules of Order).
  • Maintain order according to Robert’s Rules of Order throughout Student Activities Council meetings.
  • Have the right to place motions before the Student Activities Council and make requests on behalf of the College and/or Club/Organization.
  • Have the right to vote on all motions made before the Student Activities Council.

Section 6: All Student Activities Council (Club) representatives shall:

  • Attend all Student Activities Council meetings.
  • Represent the College and/or Club/ Organization in voting on matters before the Student Activities Council.
  • Communicate and interpret the decisions and projects of the Student Activities Council to the College and/or Club/Organization.
  • Serve on a minimum of one (1) Student Activities Council committee per semester.
  • Have the right to place motions before the Student Activities Council and make requests on behalf of the College and/or Club/Organization.
  • Have the right to vote on all motions made before the Student Activities Council.
Article VI: Advisor

Section 1:

The SAC advisor(s) on each campus is the campus dean. The SAC advisor will:

  • Determine the eligibility of candidates to hold office in SAC.
  • Have veto power over the action of the SAC in all matters involving school policy or MCC administrative regulations.
  • Approve all expenditures.
  • Ensure that all MCC policies and procedures are followed.
  • Attend all SAC sponsored activities or obtain a substitute.
  • Ensure that the constitution shall be enforced.
Article VII: Committees

The Activities Committee on each campus will serve as a standing committee composed of all Student Activities Council officers and representatives from chartered/approved clubs with the purpose of planning and organizing activities (social, cultural, educational, civic, etc.) for MCC students and their guests. This committee shall meet at a minimum twice a year and shall work with and assist each recognized club/organization (those receiving funds from SAC allocation committee) in sponsoring a College social event during the school year. The Activities Committee may work in conjunction with campus administration in the coordination of campus and/or College-wide activities.

Committees will be formed by the president in response to specifically identified needs.

Article VIII: Meetings
  • ALL general meetings are open to the student body.
  • SAC officers are expected to attend all meetings.
  • A meeting of the executive committee members should be scheduled before the regular monthly general meeting. Time, place, and agenda shall be set by the committee.
  • Meetings should be within the first week of each month of each semester.
  • Special or emergency meetings can be called by the president with a minimum three (3) school days advance notice.
  • Robert’s Rules of Order (revised) shall be the governing procedures.
  • General issues will require a simple majority of members present.
Article IX: Funds
  • Funding for campus Student Activities Council will be allocated by the College to each campus SAC based on credit hours generated by student fees.
  • Student fees will be used to support activities and services for students, clubs, organizations, campus improvements, and programs which contribute to the overall mission and goals of the College and which are determined to be essential for the enrichment of the College community.
  • The projects and programs funded by student fees must demonstrate that they:
    • Enhance student learning, health, and/or welfare, and support civic, social, cultural, educational, or recreational needs of students or,
    • Enhance the College’s image. The goal will be to provide a variety of programs which attempt to meet the needs of as many students as possible.
  • In evaluating club funding requests, the cost, College appropriateness, and anticipated level of student participation will be factors considered by the committee.
  • The Council will not provide support for programs in which a large portion of the funds provide direct benefit to individuals.
  • The Council will not entertain requests for student fee support from partisan political groups.
  • Final approval of funding is subject to confirmation by the campus dean and administration when deemed necessary.
  • Funds approved for any program under this policy will be administered by the College business office.
Article X: Duties and Responsibilities of the Student Activities Council

Section 1: The Student Activities Council elected officers and club representatives shall serve as the executive and the legislative body representing the students at their home campus of Mohave Community College.

Section 2: The Student Activities Council shall be responsible for chartering all clubs and organizations established within Mohave Community College.

  • All organizations desiring to be recognized at MCC must have a representative present an application to the Student Activities Council at a regularly scheduled meeting.
  • All organizations applying for charter must have a constitution which calls for an elected president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and full time faculty or staff advisor.
  • All recognized clubs/organizations shall have a member of their organization on the Student Activities Council with all rights/responsibilities and privileges granted to representatives.

Section 3: The Student Activities Council shall have the general powers to enact any measure for the good of the students. This power shall be limited only by MCC administrative regulation and the SAC constitution.

Section 4: The Student Activities Council will hold regular meetings. Special meetings may be called by the president with approval of the advisor. Any member who misses three (3) consecutive scheduled meetings shall be subject to a probationary period or dismissal upon a hearing before the elective officers and a majority vote of the Student Activities Council.

Section 5: All Student Activities Council officers and representatives must maintain a 2.0 GPA.

Section 6: Any action of a student organization affecting the MCC student body as a whole or the welfare of the College must have prior approval of the Student Activities Council.

Article XI: Amendments

Section 1:

This constitution is College-wide and amendments to this constitution shall be adopted by two-thirds vote of the members present at the annual meeting.

Appendix II - Officer Positions

President - The person responsible for supervising/overseeing the work of the other officers and ensuring that they function together as an effective team.

  • Provides overall vision and sense of direction for the organization.
  • Spokesperson/representative/external liaison for the organization.
  • Schedules and runs officer and organization meetings.
  • Serves as a role model for other officers and members.

Vice President - Specific roles and responsibilities for this position need to be clearly identified to ensure effectiveness.

  • Supervises/oversees chair people and the work of all committees.
  • Selects committee chairs.
  • Delegates appropriate responsibilities to committee chairs.
  • Actively keeps up-to-date on work of committees with committee chairs.
  • Chairs occasional special committees or projects.
  • Assumes responsibility during absence of president.

Secretary - Records and distributes all pertinent information to members, including meeting minutes, upcoming events, and opportunities.

  • Handles all organizational correspondence.
  • Keeps accurate membership lists with names, addresses, and phone numbers. (including summer addresses)
  • Maintains thorough organizational files and records.

Treasurer - Establishes annual budget for organization and ensures it is followed.

  • Reports the group’s financial status regularly to organization officers and members.
  • Manages day-to-day financial transactions.
  • Records and pays bills/reimbursements.
  • Deposits/withdraws funds. Works closely with Mohave Community College business office.

Appendix III - Effective Meeting Procedures

Seating for success: Arrange chairs in a circle seating arrangement, whenever the size of the room and the group allows, without excess room between chairs. If a chalk-board or pad will be used, arrange the chairs in a semi-circle around, so all can see.

Be prepared and on time: Make an agenda. An agenda will simplify the task of conducting a meeting. Prepare one with input from the members of your group. Distribute a copy to each person expected to attend. At the top, indicate the purpose or objective for attendance, and estimate a time frame for each item on the agenda. Bring any materials, ideas, or concerns you have to address.

Listen: Concentrate on what the speaker is saying, instead of planning what you are going to say next. Avoid side talk. Silence is always golden.

Participate: Clearly and briefly express your ideas or responses to the ideas of others. Address your comments to the whole group. Ask questions.

Cooperate: Discuss the issue, not the person. Help look for alternatives and have an interest in the outcome. If more information is needed before the issue decision can be made, you may assign a committee to explore in more depth. You may table a motion until more information is collected.

Stick to the subject and keep the meeting moving: Save socializing for the appropriate time. People deserve to use the meeting time in the expected way.

The leader may use her/his own reactions as a guide: If you’re feeling bored and restless, others probably are too. Communicate your concerns honestly and assertively. Break eye contact with an individual who is talking too long, or suggest a later discussion.

Give recognition and encouragement: It is easier to notice some members than others, so spread this gift around. Encourage participation from all members present.

Make decisions through group discussion, followed by a vote: Know and use parliamentary procedure.

Appendix IV - Parliamentary Procedure

To participate effectively in the proceeding of a meeting, each voting member needs to be familiar with the basic rules of parliamentary procedure. These rules enable the members to transact business with expediency and efficiency, and in a manner fair to all. The parliamentary rules followed by Mohave Community College are Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.

Steps Necessary to Adopt a Motion

  • Rise and address the chair (Madam Chairman, Mr. President)
  • Receive recognition (Chair speaks name or nods)
  • Make the motion (“I move to…” or “I move that…”)
  • Second the motion (Second need not rise nor address the chair)
  • Chair states the motion
  • Discussion or debate
  • Chair puts the question to vote
  • Chair announces the vote and the results

To Withdraw a Motion

Before it is stated by the chair, the maker of the motion may withdraw it. After it is stated, she/he may withdraw it if no one objects. Say, “If there is no objection, may I withdraw my motion?”

To Change a Motion (Amend It)

When you wish to add words at the end of a motion, say, “I move to amend the motion by adding the word(s) _ _ _.”

If you want to insert a word say, “I move to amend the motion by inserting the word _ _ _ before the word _ _ _.”

When you wish to strike out a word or words between two words already in the motion, say, “I move to amend the motion by striking out the word _ _ _ before the word _ _ _.”

When you wish to strike out a word and put another in its place, say, “I move to amend the motion by striking out the word _ _ _ and inserting the word _ _ _.”

When you wish to substitute a whole new paragraph, as when amending bylaws, say, “I move to amend article _ _ _, section _ _ _, by substituting _ _ _.” (read the substitute paragraph)

To Accept the Amendment

If an amendment is offered to a motion and the maker of the motion likes the amendment, she/he may say, “I will accept the amendment.” If no one objects, the amendment does not have to be voted on as it automatically becomes part of the original motion. Handling amendments in this manner saves time for the assembly.

Required Vote

Any motion which restricts the privilege of the members, or changes something that has already been adopted, requires a 2/3 vote; all others, majority vote.


Anyone may call for a rising vote or a ballot vote. Ask for a ballot vote if you feel the members are more likely to express their real opinions if the vote is secret.


On a voice vote, when you think there is a question as to the result of the vote, you may call out, “Division,” or “I call for division.” This means you want a rising vote. You do not need to rise or address the chair. No second is required.

General Consent

When the chair knows everyone is in favor of a motion, she/he may say, “If there is no objection, we will dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting.” “If there is no objection, we will ask the secretary to send a letter of thanks.” This is called voting by general consent and saves time. If anyone calls “I object,” the chair proceeds to take the vote as though the motion had duly been made, seconded and stated.