Mar 31, 2025  
2015-2016 Catalog 
2015-2016 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course Delivery Options

MCC offers various opportunities for students to take courses. For additional information, see Course Delivery Options  and/or call MCC Connect .

Dual Enrollment

Mohave Community College has established agreements with local high schools to offer selected courses, at no cost, to students who have been identified as candidates for college-level work. Dual Enrollment courses are offered in both academic and vocational areas at the high schools. Students who successfully complete one or more dual enrollment courses receive credit toward high school graduation and college credits that apply to graduation from college.

There are several benefits of dual enrollment including the convenience of taking college courses during the high school’s regular hours of classes on the high school campus. In addition, Dual Enrollment courses and textbooks are free to all students enrolled in dual enrollment courses. These cost savings represent a considerable advantage to students and their families who can save up to two years’ worth of college tuition and materials costs.

Because Mohave Community College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, most courses transfer to other colleges and universities, but students should always verify transferability with the receiving institution. Dual enrollment courses prepare students for university transfer or for occupational careers.

To enroll in a dual enrollment course, a student must:

  • satisfy the prerequisites for the course as published in the college catalog,
  • be a high school junior or senior (or be eligible for a waiver),
  • have appropriate COMPASS, SAT, or ACT scores,
  • have the approval of the high school personnel.

For more information regarding participating schools or related resources, visit the Dual Enrollment webpage, an area high school guidance counselor, and/or call MCC Connect .

Pre-College Studies

The Pre-College Studies program offers several opportunities for students including Adult Basic Education (ABE), General Education Development (GED), English Language Acquisition (ELA), and Transitional Studies (TRE/TRM) courses. For additional information, see Pre-College Studies and/or call MCC Connect .

Special Topics Courses (099, 199, 299)

Courses that allow for pilot testing and special topics at the zero, 100, 200 levels as well as workshops or seminars designed to enhance, upgrade, retrain, or meet educational or professional skills. These courses will remain active for four academic semesters (fall/spring semesters only). Special topics courses may not be as transfer friendly as other courses; acceptance of a special topics course is determined by the receiving institution.

Transfer Courses

All of the 100-200 level courses MCC offers are considered transfer courses or lower-division courses. Lower-division courses generally focus on foundational theories, concepts, perspectives, principles, methods, and procedures of critical thinking in order to provide a broad basis for more advanced courses. The primary intent of lower-division coursework is to equip students with the general education needed for advanced study, to expose students to the breadth of different fields of study, and to provide a foundation for specialized upper-division coursework offered at the universities. Such courses have one or more of the following four purposes:

  • To acquaint students with the breadth of (inter) disciplinary fields in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, and to the historical and contemporary assumptions and practices of professional fields.
  • To introduce essential skills of literacy (e.g., information gathering, reading, and writing), language, (e.g., oral communication, language, and culture other than English), numeracy, and sciences to prepare for continuing work in any field of higher education.
  • To develop specific occupational skills designed to lead directly to employment based on a two-year program of study.
  • To lay the foundation for upper-division coursework and to begin development of analytical thinking and theoretical application.
  • Upper-division courses are specialized, in-depth, and advanced, and emphasize problem-solving, analytical thinking skills, and theoretical applications.

Zero-Level Courses

Zero-level courses are pass/fail (S/U) graded courses and are not intended for college transfer. They do not count toward degree or certificate requirements and are not part of the grade point average calculation. However, zero-level courses may be required prior to enrollment into a course(s) needed for graduation. This would be determined by assessment testing and degree/certificate requirements.

 Course Descriptions





Administration of Justice


Alternative Energy Sources


American Sign Language








Automotive Collision Repair Technology


Automotive Service Technology




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