Feb 14, 2025  
2020-2021 Catalog 
2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Programs of Study

High School Equivalency Diploma – College Credit Pathway

The High School Equivalency Diploma (HSE) – College Credit Pathway provides students in Arizona who have not received a high school diploma the opportunity to obtain a high school diploma awarded through the Arizona Department of Education – Adult Services (as mandated through A.R.S. §15-702).

To earn the HSE Diploma students will complete twenty-five specific college credits at the 100+ level with a passing grade of a “C” or above and pass the Arizona Civics Test.

Course Requirements: 

Subject Area
English Arts
Social Studies (history, economics, government, political science)
Science (biology, physical science, earth, and space science)
Computer (CIS)
College/Career Planning
Arizona Civics Test

Note: This program is not financial aid eligible.

To receive the HSE Diploma, students are required to apply through the Arizona Department of Education Adult Education Services division.  More information on this program can be found at https://cms.azed.gov/home/GetDocumentFile?id=5a84c3993217e10c34ea13c8.

Mohave Community College offers several other academic paths:

  • Associate of Arts (AA) degree
  • Associate of Business (ABus) degree
  • Associate of Science (AS) degree
  • Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree
  • Associate of General Studies (AGS) degree
  • Certificate of Proficiency
  • Certificate of Completion (AGEC only)
Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Business (ABus), Associate of Science (AS)

The Associate of Arts (AA), Business (ABus), and Science (AS) degrees are designed to enable students to transfer course credits to a college or university granting a four-year degree. Students following these programs will complete the general education component required by the three public universities of Arizona. Those students wishing to begin their studies at MCC with the intention of transferring to a state university are encouraged to complete one of the above transfer degree programs. There are two advantages to completing a transfer degree before moving on to a university. Students can get an early start on their major by completing lower division coursework. Courses are offered at a lower tuition rate than a four-year university.

Note: For a course to be eligible for transfer, the student must receive a “C” or better. Acceptance of a transfer course is determined by the receiving institution.

Associate of Applied Science (AAS)

The Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree is intended to prepare the student for entry into a vocational area or to upgrade skills of persons already employed. The 15 hours of general education courses introduce skills needed and desired by employers and employees. Students who enroll in such programs generally do not plan to transfer to a four-year college or university; however, the opportunity exists through the increased availability of Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) degrees offered at colleges and universities. The remaining hours include course work to develop skills in the vocational and related areas.

Associate of General Studies (AGS)

The Associate of General Studies, AGS (GSD)  degree is designed for students whose academic interests are non-specific. With this degree, students will learn the basics of mathematics, English, science, and a wide variety of other subjects which will allow them the chance to explore many different disciplines and enhance their personal development with the equivalent of two years of post-secondary school education.

Certificate of Proficiency

MCC has designed certificate programs which, upon completion, prepare students to become employable in specific occupations. Students may enroll in college course work to concentrate on acquiring skills which lead to employment or to improvement of their existing skills. The number of credits required in certificate programs varies depending upon the program. Note: For a course to be eligible for transfer, the student must receive a “C” or better. Acceptance of a transfer course is determined by the receiving institution.

Certificate of Completion (AGEC only)

MCC offers three AGEC certificates: Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC - A) Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC - B) , and Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC - S) . The approved AGEC courses will fulfill lower-division, general education requirements at any Arizona university or community college. Students will be required to fulfill the course prerequisites, major requirements, and upper-division requirements specified by each university. This certificate is awarded by MCC after successful completion of a series of specific courses and is clearly identified in the catalog.

Note: For a course to be eligible for transfer, the student must receive a “C” or better. Acceptance of a transfer course is determined by the receiving institution. A diploma is not awarded for AGEC Certificates of Completion. The AGEC Certificate of Completion will be annotated on a student’s MCC transcript.

Seeking Multiple Degrees and/or Certificates of Proficiency

Mohave Community College offers the Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Business (ABus), Associate of Science (AS), Associate of General Studies (AGS), and the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees.

  • A student may earn multiple degrees.
  • Once a degree has been earned, any of the other eligible degrees can be earned by completing the additional degree requirements (with a minimum of 15 additional MCC credits beyond the previous degree).

Example: A student has earned an AA degree with 64 credits and wishes to earn an AAS degree. The student must complete a minimum of an additional 15 MCC credit hours and meet all of the requirements of the AAS degree. The student, therefore, would have a minimum total of 79 credit hours.

  • Degrees may be earned at the same time.
  • For degrees being earned at the same time, graduation does not need to be applied for at the same time. If a student was awarded only one of the declared degrees, they will still be eligible to continue the second degree under the catalog in which it was declared, as long as the student meets the ongoing enrollment requirements of the current catalog.

Along with various degrees, Mohave Community College offers multiple certificates of proficiency.

  • A student may earn as many certificates of proficiency as they would like.
  • A student may earn a certificate with or without an Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Business (ABus), Associate of Science (AS), Associate of General Studies (AGS), or the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree.
  • Multiple certificates may be earned at the same time.
  • Certificates may be earned at the same time as an Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Business (ABus), Associate of Science (AS), Associate of General Studies (AGS), or the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree.
  • Earning a certificate prior to earning an Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Business (ABus), Associate of Science (AS), Associate of General Studies (AGS), or the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree will not change the catalog under which the degree is being pursued.
  • When multiple certificates have been declared at the same time, graduation does not need to be applied for at the same time. If a student was awarded only one of the certificates, they will still be eligible to continue the second certificate under the catalog in which it was being pursued.
  • Each certificate requires a Degree Declaration Form.

    Programs of Study

Associate of Arts – AA

Associate of Business – ABus

Associate of Science – AS

Associate of Applied Science - AAS

Associate of General Studies – AGS

Certificate of Completion

Certificate of Proficiency

Non-Degree Opportunities