Mar 25, 2025  
2025-2026 Catalog Draft 
2025-2026 Catalog Draft

Grading Standards

MCC student grades are available online at Colleague Self-Service. Students are strongly encouraged to check their MCC online transcript every semester. Transcripts serve as an official record of all classes for which a grade is received. A transcript includes withdrawals but excludes drops. The Grade Point Average (GPA) is a measurement of a student’s academic achievement, calculated by dividing quality points (Q.Pts) by the GPA Hours (HGPA) listed on the student’s transcript. To maintain good academic standing, a student must have a cumulative career GPA of at least 2.0. Only course work that has been successfully completed will be used toward meeting requirements for a degree or certificate.

Any discrepancies that may be on the transcript must be brought to the attention of the Registrar’s Office within one calendar year of the completion of the course(s) in question. If a student believes their grade has been applied incorrectly, the student may pursue a Grade Related Grievance: Grade Appeal.

Grading Standards

All grades earned will remain on the official transcript. Letter grades earn grade points according to the “Grading Standard” schedule.

A Excellent 4
B Above Average 3
C Average 2
D Below Average 1
F Fail 0
S Satisfactory 0
U Unsatisfactory 0
AU Audit 0
I Incomplete 0















*Adequate progress in early course objectives; mastery of all course objectives has not yet been met.

Note: Zero-level courses are pass/fail (S/U) graded courses and are not intended for college transfer. They do not count toward degree or certificate requirements and are not part of the grade point average calculation. However, zero-level courses may be required prior to enrollment into a course needed for graduation. This would be determined by course placement procedures and degree/certificate requirements.

Health Professions and CTE Grading: Please see specific program requirements.

Recognition of Academic Achievement

Dean’s List:

Students who have met the following criteria will be assigned the Dean’s List designation for the semester/term under consideration:

  • Earned at least 12 semester hours in courses numbered 100 or above
  • Earned at least 12 semester hours in courses numbered 100 or above in the current semester/term
  • Earned a semester grade point average of 3.5 or better

Students who have met the qualifications will have designations added to their record.

Students receiving a grade of “I” may be eligible for retroactive Dean’s List designation upon conversion of the “I” to a permanent grade.

Student Honors List:

Students who have met the following criteria will be assigned the Honors List designation for the semester/term under consideration:

  • Earned at least 12 semester/term hours in courses numbered 100 or above
  • Earned at least 12 semester/term hours in courses numbered 100 or above in the current semester/term
  • Earned a semester/term grade point average of 3.5 or better

Students who have met the qualifications will have designations added to their record.

Students receiving a grade of “I” may be eligible for retroactive Honors List designation upon conversion of the “I” to a permanent grade.


  • A course may be repeated beyond the stated limits of the Repeat Policy as an Audit.
  • No audits are allowed for medical programs or special courses unless the student is accepted into the program as a formal student.
  • Students will only be allowed to enroll in a course as an audited course until the end of the add/drop period of each class section on a space-available basis and only after the class has met the minimum enrollment of for-credit students.
  • The AU designation will be assigned at the time of enrollment and an AU grade will appear on the official MCC transcript.
  • No credit will be given for audited courses; audit courses do not count as part of the term’s credit load or as credit toward graduation.

Note: The auditing fee per credit hour is determined by the student’s classification under the established tuition rates, in addition to the Student Activity Fee, the Technology Fee, and all course fees. Students will not receive financial aid or VA education benefits for audited courses.


  • Incomplete is a temporary designation generally given only in an emergency situation, such as illness, which results in the student’s inability to complete objectives.
  • A student must have successfully completed 75 percent of the course objectives, as determined by the instructor, for the “I” designation.
  • The period to complete objectives shall not exceed seven weeks after the last official day of the course, or the course grade will be converted to an “F.”
    • Specialized programs which include clinicals and/or internships/externships may exceed the 7-week limit, up until the end of the following semester, with approval from the Dean of the student’s program
  • A written agreement by the faculty member specifying the necessary objectives and period of time within which they need to be completed shall be sent to the student with a copy to the Dean of the student’s program.


  • A course withdrawal is a student initiated grade. A student who follows the withdrawal process will receive a “W” grade.
  • Withdrawals are non-refundable. Students who withdraw from a course are financially responsible for the course and must repay any financial obligation (i.e., financial aid).
  • No earned credits for the course will be awarded, however, attempted credits for the course will be recorded on the student’s transcript.
  • Students may withdraw from a course during the withdrawal dates published in the Academic Calendar.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to submit a withdrawal form for each course in which the student wishes to be withdrawn. Ceasing to attend does not constitute a withdrawal.
  • A student who stops attending a course and does not follow the withdrawal process will receive the grade earned for all assignments and exams given during the course. This grade could be a “U” or an “F”.
  • The student makes the withdrawal request via Colleague Self-Service. Read the Withdrawal Process Instructions for step-by-step instructions.

Steps for the student to take prior to filling out the withdrawal form:

  1. Check your student account to ensure a zero balance.
  2. Contact an advisor to find out how you will be financially impacted.
  3. E-mail or speak with the course instructor to inform them of your intent to withdraw.

NOTE: Determining Last Date of Enrollment

The last date of attendance may also be determined based on an academically related activity such as an exam, a tutorial, computer-assisted instruction, turning in a class assignment or attending a study group assigned by the instructor and/or participating in an online discussion about academic matters.

Attending for a brief period of time or logging in for an online course does not constitute attendance.

If a student notifies MCC of intent to withdraw, either orally or in writing, does not withdraw at that time but subsequently withdraws, the first date of notification will be used in establishing the date of withdrawal.

If MCC determines that a student did not begin the withdrawal process due to illness, accident, grievous personal loss, or other such circumstances beyond the student’s control, the date that MCC determines is related to that circumstance will be used as the official date of withdrawal.

Additional information can be found at:

Administrative Withdrawal (WR Grade)

The college reserves the right to withdraw students from classes at any time during the semester.

A student may be administratively withdrawn for four reasons:

WR1 This grade is given by administration to a student for non-participation.
WR2 This grade is given by administration to a student for non-payment.
WR3 This grade is given by administration to a student for disruptive behavior.
WR4 This grade is given by administration when the student is deceased.






Administrative Withdrawal for Non-Participation (WR1)

A withdrawal for non-participation is submitted via a WR1 academic alert by the course instructor. The WR1 grade request may be initiated after two consecutive weeks of non-participation, following the first week of the class. Each request is based upon concrete evidence (e.g., course gradebook). The student is notified of the non-participation request via their MCC email account and/or telephone by the instructor, program director, and/or an associate dean. If there is no response from the student to resolve the situation, the WR1 request may be signed by the designated program director or associate dean in order to be processed by the Registrar’s Office. A Last Date of Attendance (LDA) is provided with the WR1 request.

Administrative Withdrawal for Non-Payment (WR2)

The following is the process followed if a student misses a payment the student is contractually bound to make (payment plan or promissory note).

1. Student is notified via a regroup message by text and emails that the student may make the missed payment before midnight on the scheduled payment date.

2. If a student does not make the payment, the student will be administratively withdrawn from their Undergraduate level classes and receive a WR2 Grade.

3. Access to the Learning Management System is removed.

4. When the student satisfies the account in full within seven days of the scheduled due date, the WR2 grade is removed and the student is reinstated in classes by the Registrar’s Office.  When the student pays in full eight days or more after the scheduled due date,      the student must check with each instructor for permission to be reinstated, as the student may have missed too much course information to be successful.  Instructors are asked to email the Registrar’s Office.

5. Access to the Learning Management System is restored.

Military Leave of Absence

A student who is a member of the U.S. armed forces and called to active duty may be granted a Military Leave of Absence for the period of active duty by submitting the Military Leave of Absence application. The application must include a copy of the student’s military orders that indicate the date on which the student must report for active duty. Students with a Military Leave of Absence will have that period of active duty noted on their transcript. A student that completes the Military Leave of Absence application should refer to the appropriate forms to be withdrawn or otherwise granted clemency for their course(s) (e.g. Special Circumstances Drop, Incomplete Grade Contract). 

Grade Related Grievance: Grade Appeal

Mohave Community College has an appeal process with regard to the assignment of a final grade for a class.

Appeals of final grades should only be made in cases where a student’s final grade is inconsistent with course expectations as documented in the syllabus.  A grade appeal can only be submitted within ninety (90) days of the last day of the semester.

To appeal a final grade the following process needs to be followed:

  1. In an effort to resolve the issue, the student MUST meet with the MCC faculty. In the event that this fails to produce a resolution, the student may proceed to step 2.
  2. To submit a grade appeal, begin by clicking here. The appeal should explain how the student’s final grade is inconsistent with documented course expectations for review by the associate dean/program director supervising the faculty. At this time, the student should provide all documentation that supports their position. After submitting the Grade Appeal Form, the student may receive a request from the associate dean/program director for additional information and/or further clarification.  The student will receive notification of the resolution of their appeal no later than 10 business days from either submission of a grade appeal form or the request for additional information, whichever is later. Students may experience a possible delay to grade appeal resolution outside the traditional academic calendar. (Most departments work only during the fall and spring semesters).  If the student wishes to dispute the resolution by the associate dean/program director, the student may proceed to step 3.
  3. Student must submit a written petition to the Dean of the student’s program explaining why the associate dean/program director’s review of the grade appeal and resolution was incorrect in determining that the student’s final grade is not inconsistent with documented course expectations.  The associate dean/program director will forward the Grade Appeal Form, any student documentation, and the notice of resolution provided to the student to the Dean of the student’s program. The decision of the Dean is final.