Feb 14, 2025  
2012-2013 Catalog 
2012-2013 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Admission Information

New students must complete an Admission Application.  Students returning to MCC after more than a one-year absence must complete a Readmission Application.  Both of these applications are available online at https://jics.mohave.edu/ics/crm_candidate.

All new students must provide evidence of U.S. citizenship/lawful immigration status in order to be considered for in-state or Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) tuition rates or any Arizona state-based financial aid. Students who do not provide this information will be considered “out-of-state” for tuition rate purposes, even if they meet Arizona state residency requirements.

Students interested in enrolling in state grant supported classes for the General Education Development (GED®) program, English Language Acquisition program or Adult Education classes MUST provide proof of U.S. citizenship/lawful immigration status before they can be enrolled in these particular courses. 

The list of documents which may be used to prove U.S. citizenship or lawful immigration status can be found at http://www.mohave.edu/documents/Registrar/Resources/RO_Proof_Residency_1771.pdf or by contacting the Enrollment Services Office at the student’s local campus.


Residency Requirements

Direct any questions regarding in-state residency status to Enrollment Services. Students who are not considered in-state residents will be assessed out-of-state or WUE tuition and fees when registering for classes.

Residency requirements are established by state statutes (ARS §15-1801-15-1807) and the Mohave Community College Governing Board.

Arizona Law (ARS §15-1801) Definitions

In this article, unless the context otherwise requires:

  1. “Armed forces of the United States” means the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marine Corps, the Coast Guard, the commissioned corps of the United States Public Health Services, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Guard and any military reserve unit of any branch of the armed forces of the United States.
  2. “Continuous attendance” means enrollment at an educational institution in this state as a full-time student, as such term is defined by the governing body of the educational institution, for a normal academic year since the beginning of the period for which continuous attendance is claimed. Such person need not attend summer sessions or any other intersession beyond the normal academic year in order to maintain continuous attendance.
  3. “Domicile” means a person’s true, fixed and permanent home and place of habitation. It is the place where s/he intends to remain and to which s/he expects to return when s/he leaves without intending to establish a new domicile elsewhere.
  4. “Emancipated person” means a person who is neither under a legal duty of service to his parent nor entitled to the support of such parent under the laws of this state.
  5. “Parent” means a person’s father or mother, or if one parent has custody, that parent, or if there is no surviving parent or the whereabouts of the parents are unknown, then a guardian of an unemancipated person if there are not circumstances indicating that such guardianship was created primarily for the purpose of conferring the status of an in-state student on such unemancipated person.

Arizona Law (ARS §15-1802) In-State Student Status

  1. Except as otherwise provided in this article, no person having a domicile elsewhere than in this state is eligible for classification as an instate student for tuition purposes.
  2. A person is not entitled to classification as an in-state student until the person is domiciled in this state for one year, except that a person whose domicile is in this state is entitled to classification as an in-state student if the person meets one of the following requirements:
    1. The person’s parent’s domicile is in this state and the parent is entitled to claim the person as an exemption for state and federal tax purposes.
    2. The person is an employee of an employer that transferred the person to this state for employment purposes or the person is the spouse of such an employee.
    3. The person is an employee of a school district in this state and is under contract to teach on a full-time basis or is employed as a full-time noncertified classroom aide at a school within that school district. For the purposes of this paragraph, the person is eligible for classification as an in-state student only for courses necessary to complete the requirements for certification by the state board of education to teach in a school district in this state. No member of the person’s family is eligible for classification as an in-state student if the person is eligible for classification as an in-state student pursuant to this paragraph, unless the family member is otherwise eligible for classification as an in-state student pursuant to this section.
    4. The person’s spouse has established domicile in this state for at least one year and has demonstrated intent and financial independence and is entitled to claim the student as an exemption for state and federal tax purposes or the person’s spouse was temporarily out of state for educational purposes, but maintained a domicile in this state. If the person is a noncitizen, the person must be in an eligible visa status pursuant to federal law to classify as an in-state student for tuition purposes.
  3. The domicile of an unemancipated person is that of the person’s parent.
  4. Any unemancipated person who remains in this state when the person’s parent, who had been domiciled in this state, removes from this state is entitled to classification as an in-state student until attainment of the degree for which currently enrolled, as long as the person maintains continuous attendance.
  5. A person who is a member of the armed forces of the United States and who is stationed in this state pursuant to military orders or who is the spouse or a dependent child as defined in section 43-1001 of a person who is a member of the armed forces of the United States and who is stationed in this state pursuant to military orders is entitled to classification as an in-state student. A spouse or a dependent child does not lose in-state student classification under this subsection if the spouse or dependent child qualifies for in-state tuition classification at the time the spouse or dependent child is accepted for admission to a community college under the jurisdiction of a community college district governing board or a university under the jurisdiction of the Arizona board of regents. The student, while in continuous attendance toward the degree for which currently enrolled, does not lose in-state student classification.
  6. A person who is a member of the armed forces of the United States or the spouse or a dependent as defined in section 43-1001 of a member of the armed forces of the United States is entitled to classification as an in-state student if the member of the armed forces has claimed this state as the person’s state of legal residence for at least twelve consecutive months before the member of the armed forces, spouse or dependent enrolls in a university under the jurisdiction of the Arizona board of regents or a community college under the jurisdiction of a community college district governing board. For the purposes of this subsection, the requirement that a person be domiciled in this state for one year before enrollment to qualify for instate student classification does not apply.
  7. A person who is honorably discharged from the armed forces of the United States shall be granted immediate classification as an in-state student on honorable discharge from the armed forces and, while in continuous attendance toward the degree for which currently enrolled, does not lose in-state student classification if the person has met all of the following requirements:
    1. Declared Arizona as the person’s legal residence with the person’s branch of service at least one year prior to discharge from the armed forces.
    2. Demonstrated objective evidence of intent to be a resident of Arizona which, for the purposes of this section, includes at least one of the following:
      1. An Arizona driver license.
      2. Arizona motor vehicle registration.
      3. Employment history in Arizona.
      4. Arizona voter registration.
      5. Transfer of major banking services to Arizona.
      6. Change of permanent address on all pertinent records.
      7. Other materials of whatever kind or source relevant to domicile or residency status.
    3. Filed an Arizona income tax return with the department of revenue during the previous tax year.
  8. A person who is a member of an Indian tribe recognized by the United States department of the interior whose reservation land lies in this state and extends into another state and who is a resident of the reservation is entitled to classification as an in-state student.

Arizona Law (ARS §15-1804) Presumptions relating to student status; definition

  1. Unless the contrary appears to the satisfaction of the registering authority of the community college or university at which a student is registering, it shall be presumed that:
    1. No emancipated person has established a domicile in this state while attending any educational institution in this state as a full-time student, as such status is defined by subsection B for community college students or as defined by the Arizona board of regents for university students, in the absence of a clear demonstration to the contrary.
    2. Once established, a domicile is not lost by mere absence unaccompanied by intention to establish a new domicile.
    3. A person who has been domiciled in this state immediately prior to becoming a member of the armed forces of the United States shall not lose instate status by reason of such person’s presence in any other state or country while a member of the armed forces of the United States.
  2. For the purposes of this section, “full-time student” means a community college student who registers for at least twelve semester hours per semester at a community college in this state.

Arizona Law (ARS §15-1805.01) Admissions; enrollments; community colleges

  1. Admissions to the community colleges in this state may be granted to any person who meets any one of the following criteria:
    1. Is a graduate of a high school that is accredited by a regional accrediting association as defined by the United States Office of Education or approved by a state board of education or other appropriate state educational agency. 
    2. Has a high school certificate of equivalency.
    3. Is at least eighteen years of age and demonstrates evidence of potential success in the community college.
    4. Is a transfer student in good standing from another college or university.
  2. Each community college district shall adopt policies regarding the admission of students under eighteen years of age that include, at a minimum, student completion of course prerequisites and the following requirements:
    1. Admission to the community colleges in this state shall be granted to any student who is under eighteen years of age and who achieves one of the following:
      1. A composite score of 93 or more on the preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test.
      2. A composite score of 930 or more on the Scholastic Aptitude Test.
      3. A composite score of twenty- two or more on the American College Test.
      4. A passing score on the relevant portions of the Arizona instrument to measure standards test.
      5. The completion of a college placement test designated by the community college district that indicates the student is at the appropriate college level for the course.
      6. Is a graduate of a private or public high school or has a high school certificate of equivalency.
    2. A community college may limit the number of semester hours in which the student may enroll to not more than six credit hours.
    3. Home schooled students are exempt from this subsection.
  3. Students who enroll in vocational courses may be admitted on an individual basis with the approval of college officials if the student meets the established requirements of the courses for which the student enrolls and the college officials determine that the student’s admission is in the best interest of the student.

Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) Residency Status

Mohave Community College participates in the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) tuition program: WUE. Students who may request this tuition rate must be: 1) residents of eligible states, or 2) students who have not met Arizona residency requirements and have most recently lived in an eligible state. Eligible states are: Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming.

  • Some MCC programs are not eligible for the WUE tuition rates. See WUE Tuition rates  in the tuition section for details.
  • Full-time enrollment under WUE status does not count toward establishing Arizona residency for tuition purposes.

Classification of Students

Freshman: A student who has successfully completed 27 or fewer college-level credits.

Sophomore: A student who has successfully completed 28 or more college-level credits.

Part-Time Student: A student who is enrolled in fewer than 12 college-level credits during a specific semester/summer term.

Full-Time Student: A student who is enrolled in 12 or more college-level credits during a specific semester/summer term.

Transferring Credits from Other Institutions

Students who have attended other colleges/universities must provide MCC with an official transcript of all work completed at previous institutions.

If the student is applying for Financial Aid official transcripts should be directed to:

Mohave Community College
Financial Aid Office
1971 Jagerson Avenue
Kingman, AZ 86409

Attention:  Transcripts, Mailstop 108  

If the student is not applying for Financial Aid official transcripts should be directed to:

Mohave Community College
Office of the Registrar, Mailstop 104
1971 Jagerson Avenue
Kingman, AZ 86409

The Office of the Registrar will evaluate these transcripts to determine what credit will be granted for transfer courses that satisfy MCC degree and certificate requirements. The registrar has final authority in the decision of course transferability.

The College may accept course credit from colleges and schools accredited by any of the following regional accreditation commissions:

  • The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
  • Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
  • New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc.
  • Northwest Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities
  • Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
  • Western Association of Schools and Colleges

Only courses with a grade of “C” or higher will be considered for transfer credit. A “Pass” grade may be accepted, if it is noted on the transcript that “Pass” is equal to a “C” grade.

Courses that fall short of MCC’s semester hour equivalents may not be eligible for transfer. The most common reason a course would fall short of MCC’s semester hour equivalent is that the course is completed at an institution that uses a quarter-unit system.  Quarter units are approximately valued at 2/3 the value of semester credits. MCC divides the quarter credits by the standard 2/3 and rounds down to the nearest whole number.

An example follows:

  Quarter Credit    Semester Credit  
  1 = 0  
  2 = 1  
  3 = 2  
  4 = 2  
  5 = 3  
  6 = 4  

If a student at a regionally accredited quarter-unit school completed an introductory psychology course at 3 or 4 quarter units, the most s/he might be awarded in transfer would be PSY1TR. The 1TR designation shows credit awarded, but not toward any particular course in that discipline as the student has not met the 3 semester units needed at MCC. A student completing 5 quarter units of introductory psychology at a regionally accredited school may, after review of the course description, be eligible for PSY 101  since the 3 semester unit requirement is met.

Science, allied health, computer and other technical courses taken 10 or more years ago do not transfer and must be retaken. Fire Science, Emergency Medical Services, Administration of Justice Studies, and Early Childhood Education courses taken 5 or more years ago do not transfer and must be retaken.

If a student’s cumulative GPA was below 2.0 at a previous college/university, the student will be admitted to MCC on academic probation. (See the Academic Probation  section for details.)

In order to have official transcripts evaluated by the Office of the Registrar, the student must:

  1. Complete an MCC admission application
  2. Receive an official MCC ID number
  3. Follow the transcript evaluation request procedures at http://www.mohave.edu/documents/Registrar/Transfer_Students_Transcript_Request_Procedures.pdf.

A transcript will not be considered official, and will be rejected for evaluation, under any of the following circumstances:

  1. The registrar’s seal and/or signature is missing
  2. The transcript is stamped “Issued to Student” or “Student Copy,” etc.
  3. The transcript was received directly from the student, either through mail delivery or hand-carried
  4. The transcript is for the wrong student
  5. The transcript is illegible
  6. The transcript contains only the student’s name as an identifier. The transcript must contain at least one of the following: minimum of the last four digits of the student’s Social Security Number; student’s date of birth

To request that a transcript evaluation be reassessed, the student must file a Re-evaluation Petition through a student services director.

Transcripts received by Mohave Community College from other schools become the sole property of MCC. Neither originals nor copies can be released to the student or to any third party.

Foreign Credit

MCC does not evaluate transcripts from colleges/universities outside of the United States. Students wishing to have credits from these institutions transferred to MCC must have their transcripts evaluated by a foreign education credential service. A list of providers can be found at www.naces.org. Or the student may search the Internet for international credential evaluators. The student is responsible for verifying that the company they plan to use is approved to perform comprehensive evaluations for transfer to U.S. regionally accredited institutions. An official, sealed copy of the evaluation must be submitted directly from the credential service to MCC’s Office of the Registrar. Final determination of transfer credit will then be made by that office.

Formal Military Education/Training Credit

Credit may be awarded to veterans who have completed programs described in “A Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experience in the Armed Services.” This credit can only be determined by evaluation of official military transcripts. Contact the local campus academic and career advisor for more information on obtaining official military transcripts. An official, sealed copy of the transcript must be submitted directly from the appropriate branch of the armed forces to MCC’s Office of the Registrar. Final determination of transfer credit will then be made by that office.

Tech Prep Credit

Mohave Tech Prep connects structured high school programs with MCC. Juniors and seniors can take Tech Prep courses at participating high schools that have a specific course articulation agreement with MCC. Students who pass these courses with a grade of “B” or better are eligible for awarded Tech Prep credit. While Tech Prep credits may be awarded at MCC, these credits may not transfer elsewhere. Participating high schools include: Kingman High School, Lake Havasu High School, Mohave High School, River Valley High School and El Capitan High School.

The Association for Career and Technical Education of Arizona (ACETEaz) is dedicated to the advancement of Career and Technical Education learning that prepares youths and adults for careers in the global competitive workforce. For more information, see an area high school guidance counselor or a local campus student services representative.

International Students

Mohave Community College is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant, non-citizen students who wish to attend MCC on an F-1 student visa. All required documentation must be received by the appropriate deadlines in order for an F-1 visa student to be considered for admission into MCC.

Acceptance into specific MCC programs does not constitute acceptance into MCC as an F-1 visa student. This designation comes only from the Office of the Registrar. For more information and a listing of required documentation and deadlines, interested persons must send a written request to:

F-1 Student Visa Information
Office of the Registrar
Mohave Community College
1971 Jagerson Avenue
Kingman, AZ 86409

Course Placement Assessment

Mohave Community College wants students to be successful in their courses. The assessment screening is a way for MCC to determine student readiness for college courses, especially those that require minimum skill levels in reading, English composition or mathematics.

For further information concerning course placement, see the MCC Student Handbook.

Assessment Services

Each campus at Mohave Community College has an assessment center where students can take the COMPASS placement and other assessments as assigned by individual programs.


For catalog concerns and/or recommendations: mcccatalog@mohave.edu

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