Dec 05, 2024  
2012-2013 Catalog 
2012-2013 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Degree and Transfer Information

Degree Information

Mohave Community College offers the Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Business (ABus), Associate of Science (AS), Associate of General Studies (AGS) and the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees. A student may earn only one AA, ABus or AS degree. A student may earn multiple AAS degrees, depending on the discipline.

Once a student has earned one of these degrees, any of the other degrees can be earned by completing the additional degree requirements with a minimum of fifteen (15) additional MCC credits beyond the previous degree. Degrees may be earned concurrently.

Example: A student has earned an AA degree with 64 credits and wishes to earn an AAS degree. The student must complete a minimum of an additional fifteen (15) MCC credit hours and meet all of the requirements of the AAS degree. The student, therefore, would have a minimum total of 79 credit hours.

A student who completes a degree program and elects to pursue another degree is subject to the degree requirements of the catalog in effect at the time the student declares the new degree. A new Degree Declaration Form must be filled out at the time.

Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Business (ABus), and Associate of Science (AS)

The Associate of Arts, Business, and Science degrees are designed to enable students to transfer course credits to a college or university granting the baccalaureate degree. Students following these programs will have taken the university parallel requirements in general education.

Students must complete the courses in these programs of study with a “C” or better and have an overall cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better in order to graduate.

Associate of Applied Science (AAS)

The Associate of Applied Science degree is intended to prepare the student for entry into a vocational area or to upgrade skills of persons already employed. The 15 hours of general education courses introduce skills needed and desired by employers and employees. The remaining hours include course work to develop skills in the vocational and related areas. Students must complete the courses in the program of study with a “C” or better and have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better in order to graduate. (See AAS Gen. Ed. checklist. )

Since AAS programs are designed to prepare students for employment in the respective occupational areas, it is necessary that the student follow the program content and sequence as outlined. Any departure from the outlined program must be approved by the appropriate faculty and administration. The specific occupational content is set forth in the program outlined within the respective areas of study.

Associate of General Studies (AGS)

The Associate of General Studies degree is intended to prepare the student for entry into an occupational area. All course work is related to the student’s occupational goal with general education requirements embedded within the courses. Students must complete the courses in the program of study with a “C” or better and have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better in order to graduate.

Advising note: The AAS and AGS are not transfer degree programs; however, some courses may transfer. In pursuing a baccalaureate degree after completing the AAS or AGS, some general education and program area courses may be acceptable for transfer credit. However, some courses in technical programs are so specialized that many colleges and universities do not offer equivalent training and they may not grant transfer credit. Students in this degree program will most likely be required to take additional freshman and sophomore general studies courses. Students must have earned a “C” or better in transferable course work in order to transfer credit.

AZ Transfer

Beyond MCC - Understanding Transfer

MCC has partnerships with many universities. Familiarity with common terms and requirements for transfer to a university or other Arizona community college will help ease the transfer process. The Course Equivalency Guide and the transfer guides are designed to help students, with consultation with an advisor, to understand the transfer process. (See:

AGEC Block

The Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC) is a block of 35 semester hours of lower division general education course work. Courses specific to this curriculum are listed in the degree and certificate information section of this catalog as the General Education Curriculum for AA, ABus and AS degree programs. The block can be completed by itself or as part of an associate’s degree at MCC. The college certifies completion of an AGEC on the student’s transcript when applied for by the student.

A completed AGEC will transfer as a block to any of the three Arizona public universities (NAU, ASU, and U of A). The AGEC will meet lower-division university general education requirements. To earn a baccalaureate degree, students transferring the AGEC must still meet other university requirements within their chosen major.

A completed AGEC will also transfer as a block to meet the general education requirements at other public Arizona community colleges. Transfer students who wish to earn an associate’s degree must then meet additional community college degree requirements of that particular institution. (See AGEC checklists. )

Effective Fall 2010: All courses used to satisfy Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC) requirements must be transferable as elective credit or better1 to all Arizona public universities.

All courses used to satisfy remaining Associate Degree requirements2 must be transferable as elective credit or better to the university and major to which the associate’s degree is intended to transfer. However, if the baccalaureate degree is a shared major,3 offered by more than one university, the courses must transfer as elective credit or better to all the universities offering the shared major.


1 Elective or better - Identified in the Course Equivalency Guide (CEG) as Elective (E), Departmental Elective Credit (DE), or a Direct Equivalency.

2 Remaining Associate Degree Requirements - Courses used to complete associate degree requirements beyond the courses of the AGEC such as Common Courses, Electives, Prerequisites, etc. These degrees include the Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Business (ABus), Associate of Science (AS).

3 Shared Major - A shared major is a university degree program that has similar academic preparation to one or more degree programs at other Arizona public universities as listed on the Common Course Matrices.

Types of Transfer

  1. The AGEC Block will transfer to the state of Arizona public institutions – the state universities (ASU, NAU, U of A) and community colleges. When a student completes and applies for the AGEC, the student’s transcripts will note the completion of the AGEC. The completed AGEC will meet the general education requirements (also known as liberal studies requirements) for Arizona’s public, higher education institutions. Students should be aware that universities and departments may have other requirements apart from the AGEC (see the “University Admissions Requirements” in this catalog).
  2. Individual Courses (credits) can transfer to a university in three different ways:
    1. Direct equivalency or one-to-one course transfer - an MCC course has a direct transfer to a university course, e.g. MCC’s SOC 131  = ASU’s SOC 131 
    2. Departmental Elective - A university may not offer the same course as an MCC course, but the department will accept it as an elective for their department. This is helpful especially when the department has a requirement for departmental electives.  If they don’t, the course may count as a university elective.
    3. General Elective - The course will only transfer as a general elective; it will not transfer as a direct equivalent (one-to-one) or a departmental elective. In this case, it can be used to meet the number of credits needed to graduate.

Arizona Higher Education Course Equivalency Guide

The Arizona Commission for Postsecondary Education, in conjunction with the Arizona Board of Regents, publishes the Arizona Higher Education Course Equivalency Guide (CEG) and transfer pathway information at:

The CEG “equivalency” does not mean that the community college course is identical to the university course or vice-versa, but that the course is regarded as fulfilling the requirement of the designated university or college course. The evaluations of transfer credit in the CEG refer only to community college courses and their acceptance at the respective four-year institutions in the state of Arizona. Students are encouraged to consult with the appropriate transfer institution’s academic department for major course requirements before deciding on current class schedules. (See the transferable courses chart  in this catalog.)


The Shared Unique Number (SUN) System helps students identify courses that will directly transfer among Arizona’s community colleges and three public universities.  Using the SUN System, students can easily search for and enroll in courses that offer direct equivalency at other Arizona colleges and universities.  SUN courses have their own unique course number and prefix listed alongside each college’s course number.  Look for the SUN icon in this catalog, course schedules and college website or visit for more information.

University Admissions Requirements

Below are examples of requirements of some universities:

  • Application (with fee) at least one semester before attendance
  • Liberal Studies requirements (AGEC will satisfy for AZ public universities in the state system)
  • Junior-level writing requirement
  • Diversity course requirements
  • Electives
  • Minimum number of courses taken at their university
  • Number of 300-400 level courses
  • Number of credits to graduate (usually 120)

Program/Major Requirements

There may be requirements for the major or program, e.g., School of Education (Elementary Education), School of Business (Accounting, Business Administration). Below are some examples of requirements from a program:

  • Application to program (apart from application to and acceptance in the university)
  • Prerequisite courses to enter program
  • Core courses within program

MCC Partner Institutions

MCC has articulation agreements with institutions of higher education to enable students to pursue their upper division studies. Articulation agreements formally recognize that these institutions and MCC will work together to facilitate the transfer of associate degree conferred students from MCC into baccalaureate programs.


Certificate of Completion (AGEC only)

This certificate is awarded after successful completion of a series of specific courses and is clearly identified in the catalog. Students must complete all required courses with a “C” or better and have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better. A Certificate of Completion is not awarded at commencement. AGEC Certificates of Completion will be designated on a student’s MCC transcript.

Certificate of Proficiency

MCC offers, in selected occupational and academic areas, certificate programs that are intended to improve students’ existing skills or provide competencies for employment. Successful completion of a course is defined as a grade of “C” or better. Students must have successfully completed all courses in the certificate and have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better in all work completed at MCC, including courses not applicable to the certificate.

Transferable Courses

 For the most current information on transferable courses, please refer to the AZTransfer guide, which is updated on a weekly basis.

Course Number & Course Title



U of A


ACC125 Introduction to Accounting


Elective DE Elective
ACC135 Accounting Systems and Procedures Elective DE Elective
ACC139 Income Tax Accounting Elective DE Elective

Administration of Justice

AJS101 Intro to Administrative Justice CRJ100 CCJ101 SOC241 & PA241
AJS109 Substantive Criminal Law CRJ260 CCJ270 PA DE
AJS140 Intro to Corrections CRJ240 SOC240 Elective
AJS200 Current Issues CRJ DE, JUS200 SB CCJ DE Elective
AJS212 Juvenile Justice Procedures Elective CCJ DE Elective
AJS225 Criminology CRJ DE CCJ250 PD DE
AJS230 The Police Function CRJ230 CCJ220 Elective
AJS240 The Correction Function CRJ240 SOC240 Elective
AJS245 Ethics in Criminal Justice Elective CCJ DE Elective
AJS260 Procedural Criminal Law CRJ DE CCJ 275 PA DE
AJS270 Community Policing CRJ270, SB, C CCJ DE Elective

American Sign Language

ASL101 American Sign Language I SHS101 Elective SERP370A
ASL102 American Sign Language II SHS102 Elective SERP370B
ASL131 Conversational ASL I Elective Elective Elective
ASL201 American Sign Language III SHS201 Elective SERP431A
ASL202 American Sign Language IV SHS202 Elective SERP431B


ANT102 Cultural Anthropology ASB102, SSB G ANT102 ANTHDE


 ART111 Design I ART112 ART150 ART102
 ART112 Design II ART115 ART151 ART104
 ART113 The Science of Color ART113 ART DE ART DE
 ART121 Drawing I ART111 ART135 ART101
 ART125 Painting I ART223 ART222 ART280
 ART126 Painting II ART DE ART223 ART DE
 ART128 Watercolor I ART227 ART DE ART285 & ART 285SA
 ART129 Watercolor II ART227 ART DE ART DE
 ART130 Survey of World Art ARS101 ARH141 ARH201
 ART151 Basic Black and White Photography ART101 PHO DE ART241
 ART152 Basic Photography Elective Elective ART DE
 ART162 Fibers ART DE ART DE ART276
 ART171 Ceramics I ART261 ART161 ART273
 ART172 Ceramics II ART DE ART261 ART DE
 ART175 Sculpture I ART231 ART181 ART287
 ART176 Sculpture II ART DE ART281 ART DE
 ART221 Drawing II ART211 ART136 ART205
 ART223 Figure Drawing I ART214 ART235 ART205
 ART230 Survey of World Art II ARS102 ARH142 ARH202
 ART251 Intermediate Photography Elective PHO DE ART DE
 ART256 Digital Photography ART DE PHO DE ART244


AST101 Intro to Astronomy AST112 & AST114 AST180, AST181 ASTR DE


BIO100 Biology Concepts BIO100 BIO100 MCB170C1
BIO181 General Biology (Majors) I BIO181 BIO181 ECOL 181R
BIO182 General Biology (Majors) II BIO182 BIO182 ECOL182R
BIO201 Anatomy and Physiology I BIO201 BIO201 PSIO201
BIO202 Anatomy and Physiology II BIO202 BIO202 PSIO202
BIO205 Microbiology BIO205 & MIC206 BIO205 MIC205A
BIO290 Field Biology I Elective Elective Elective
BIO291 Field Biology II Elective BIO DE Elective


BUS161 Marketing Elective Elective Elective
BUS162 Retailing and Customer Services Elective Elective Elective
BUS202 Legal Environment of Business LES305 ACC205 Elective
BUS204 Business Communications Elective MGT DE Elective
BUS206 Micro Economics ECN212 ECO284 ECON201A
BUS207 Macro Economics ECN211 ECO285 ECON201B
BUS208 Business Statistics ECN221, SWU321, QBA221 ECO201 MGMT276, ECON276
BUS221 Financial Accounting ACC231 ACC255 ACCT200
BUS222 Managerial Accounting ACC241 ACC256 ACCT210

Chemical Dependency

CHD100 Foundations of Chemical Dependency Elective Elective Elective
CHD102 Communication Skills in Chemical Dependency Elective Elective Elective
CHD110 Biological Pharmacology of Chemical Dependency Elective Elective Elective
CHD120 Professional Ethics in Counseling Elective Elective Elective
CHD150 Principles of Self-Help Group Elective Elective Elective
CHD161 Beginning Interviewing and Documentation Skills Elective Elective Elective
CHD165 Theory and Techniques in Treatment Elective Elective Elective
CHD220 Family Dynamics and Chemical Dependency Elective Elective Elective
CHD226 Counseling Multicultural and Diverse Populations Elective Elective Elective
CHD236 Recovery and Relapse of Chemical Dependency Elective Elective Elective
CHD245 Dual Diagnosis Elective Elective Elective
CHD250 Group Interventions with Chemical Dependency Elective Elective Elective
CHD275 Advanced Theory and Techniques in the Treatment of Chemical Dependency Elective Elective Elective
CHD280 Chemical Dependency Practicum Elective Elective Elective
CHD281 AIDS and Chemical Dependency Elective Elective Elective


CHM130 Fundamental Chemistry CHM101 CHM130 CHEM101A & CHEM DE
CHM151 General Chemistry I CHM113 CHM151 CHEM151
CHM152 General Chemistry II CHM116 CHM152 CHEM152
CHM235 General Organic Chemistry I CHM233 & CHM237 CHM235 CHEM241A & CHEM 234A
CHM236 General Organic Chemistry II CHM234 & CHM238 CHM238 CHEM241B & CHEM 243B

Child Development

 CDA101A Safety, Health and Nutrition  NTR DE  Elective  Elective
 CDA101B A Learning Environment in Early Childhood  ECD DE  Elective  Elective
 CDA101C Principles of Child Development  ECD DE  Elective  Elective
 CDA102A Physical Development  CDE DE, EXW DE  Elective  Elective
 CDA102B Intellectual Development  CDE DE  Elective  Elective
 CDA102C Social, Emotional and Self-Concept Development  CDE DE  Elective  Elective
 CDA103A Observation, Behavior and Guidance  Elective  Elective  Elective
 CDA103B Understanding Families and Communities  FAS DE  Elective  Elective
 CDA103C Program Operation and Professionalism  Elective  Elective  Elective



COM121 Interpersonal Communication COM110


COM151 Public Speaking COM225 CST111 COMM119

Computer Information Systems

CIS110 Intro. to Computer Information Systems CSE180, CIS105 CIS120 MIS111
CIS120 Intro to Programming Elective CIS110 Elective
CIS141 Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations GIT DE Elective Elective
CIS143 Web Page Design I Elective VC DE MAR DE
CIS145 Photoshop I GIT DE VC DE ART DE
CIS200 Programming and Game Dev. with Visual Basic.Net GIT DE Elective Elective
CIS204 Programming and Game Development in C++ CST100 GIT DE CS126 Elective
CIS208 Programming in C# CSE182, CST100 CIS220 CSC DE
CIS270 Systems Analysis and Design CIS235 CIS DE Elective
CIS280 CIS Internship Elective Elective Elective
CIS293 Special Project Elective VC DE Elective

Early Childhood Education

ECE272 Classroom Management Elective Elective Elective
ECE273 Play Education Elective ECI316 Elective


EDU200 Children’s Literature RDG291 ENG DE Elective
EDU205 Introduction to Education CED111, TEL111 EDF200 Elective
EDU214 Cultural Diversity in Education MCE230, TEL212 BME310 Elective
EDU222 The Exceptional Student SPE222 ESE380 Elective
EDU240 Augmented Provisional Structure BLE220 Elective LRC DE
EDU250 Structured English Immersion Elective Elective LRC DE


ENG101 English Composition I ENG101 ENG101TR ENGL101
ENG102 English Composition II ENG102 ENG102TR ENGL102
ENG136 Report Writing ENG DE Elective ENG DE
ENG137 Intro to Literature ENG DE ENG130 Elective
ENG138 Creative Writing ENG DE ENG DE ENGL101
ENG233 English Literature I ENG221 ENG231 Elective
ENG234 English Literature II ENG222 ENG232 ENGL DE
ENG235 American Literature I ENG241 ENG242 ENGL265
ENG236 American Literature II ENG242 ENG243 ENGL DE
ENG238 Writing Fiction ENG210 ENG270 ENGL210

Environmental Science

ENV101 Environmental Science Elective ENV101 SWES170A


GHY212 Introduction to Meteorology GPH212, GPH214 GSP DE ATMO171
GHY213 Introduction to Climate Studies GPH213, GPH215 GSP DE ATMO DE
GHY240 World Regional Geography GCU121 GSP241 GEOG251, LAS251, NES251


GLG101 Physical Geology GLG101, GLG103 GLG101, GEOS251 GEOS251
GLG102 Historical Geology GLD102, GLG104 GLG102 GEOS DE
GLG110 Environmental Geology/Natural Disasters GLG110, GLG111 GLG112 GEOS DE
GLG140 Intro to Oceanography Elective GLG DE GEOS212, GEOS DE


Health Science

HES129 Allied Health Anatomy & Physiology BIO DE Elective Elective


HIS131 History of the United States I HST 109 HIS291 HIST DE
HIS132 History of the United States II HST110 HIS292 HIST DE
HIS135 Western Civilization I HST102 HIS240 HIST DE
HIS136 Western Civilization II HST104 HIS241 HIST DE
HIS137 Twentieth Century World History HST DE HIS DE HIST DE
HIS234 History of Indians of North America HST DE HIS293 HIST236
HIS281 Latin American History HST DE HIS281 HIST DE


HUM150 Introduction to the Humanities I Pre-history to the Middle Ages Elective HUM101 HIST160B2
HUM151 Introduction to the Humanities II Renaissance to the Present Elective HUM251 HIST150C4
HUM250 Introduction to Cinema FMP DE HUM DE TAR DE


MAT142 College Mathematics MAT142 MAT114 MATH105
MAT151 College Algebra MAT117 MAT110 MATH112 & MATH DE
MAT160 Math for Elementary Teachers I MTE180 MAT150 MATHDE
MAT161 Math for Elementary Teachers II MTE181 MAT155 MATHDE
MAT181 Plane Trigonometry MAT DE MAT DE MATH111
MAT201 Finite Mathematics MAT119 MAT119 MATHDE
MAT211 Introductory Statistics STP226, SWU321 STA270 MATH163
MAT212 Brief Calculus MAT210 MAT131 MATH113
MAT221 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I MAT270 MAT136 MATH124
MAT231 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II MAT271 MAT137 MATH129
MAT241 Analytic Geometry and Calculus III MAT272 MAT238 MATH223
MAT260 Introduction to Differential Equations MAT274 MAT239 MATH254


MUS101 Appreciation and Literature of Music MUS340 MUS293 MUS107
MUS102 Fundamentals of Music MUS100 MUS120 MUS100
MUS211 College Choir MUP DE MUP357 MUS200I
MUS216 College Band MUP DE MUP353 MUS200C


NUR122 Nursing II Elective NUR208 Elective
NUR221 Nursing III Elective NUR211 Elective
NUR222 Nursing IV Elective NUR212 Elective
NUR227 Pharmacology NUR DE NUR215 Elective


NUT203 Human Nutrition in Health and Disease NTR241 NTS DE NSC DE


PHI101 Introduction to Philosophy PHI101 PHI101 PHIL111
PHI151 Ethics PHI105 PHI105 PHIL113
PHI205 Comparative World Religions REL100 REL150 RELI DE


PHY107 Conceptual Physics PHS110 PSY107 Elective
PHY111 General Physics I PHY111, PHY113 PHY111 PHYS102, PHYS181
PHY112 General Physics II PHY112, PHY114 PHY112 PHYS103, PHYS182
PHY115 University Physics I PHY121, PHY122 PHY161 PHYS141, PHYS DE
PHY116 University Physics II PHY131, PHY132 PHY262 PHYS241, PHYS DE

Political Science

POS100 Arizona Constitution and Government POS DE Elective POL214
POS120 American National Government POS110 POS110 POL201
POS227 United States Constitution Elective Elective POL DE


PSY101 Introductory Psychology PGS101 PSY101 PSY101
PSY135 Human Sexuality PGS222 PSY277 PSY DE
PSY234 Social Psychology PGS DE PSY250 PSY DE
PSY240 Child Growth and Development CDE DE PSY DE PSY240
PSY245 Lifespan Development PGS DE PSY240 PSY DE
PSY260 Introduction to Personality PGS DE PSY227 PSY DE
PSY270 Abnormal Psychology PGS DE PSY DE PSY DE


SOC131 Introduction to Sociology SOC101 SOC101 SOC101
SOC132 Social Problems in Modern Society SOC241 SOC210 SOC DE
SOC133 Sociology of Deviant Behavior SOC DE SOC441 SOC DE
SOC136 Marriage and Family SOC DE SOC216 SOC DE
SOC140 Racial, Ethnic and Gender Relations SOC270 SOC215 SOC260


SPA101 Elementary Spanish I SPA101 SPA101 SPAN101
SPA102 Elementary Spanish II SPA102 SPA102 SPAN102
SPA131 Conversational Spanish I Elective SPA DE SPAN DE
SPA201 Intermediate Spanish I SPA201 SPA201 SPAN201
SPA202 Intermediate Spanish II SPA202 SPA202 SPAN202


THE110 Beginning Acting (Nonproduction) THH101 TH135 TAR 100
THE111 Theatre Production I THP102 TH125 TAR DE
THE112 Theatre Production II THE DE TH112 TAR DE
THE113 Theatre Production III TRE DE TRE DE TAR DE

Women’s Studies

WST101 Introduction to Women’s Studies WST100 WGS200 GWS DE


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