- As of March 24, 2017, the Trainco© Truck Driving Schools (Non-Credit) program has been removed from this catalog. For more information, please contact MCC Connect .
- As of March 7, 2017, the “FERPA Information – Students’ Right to Privacy” sections as found in Academic Policies and Student Handbook were updated to include the statement, “MCC employees (including contracted temporary staff) who suspect there may have been a possible FERPA violation regarding any MCC student, past or present, must immediately report the suspected violation to their supervisor. Supervisors are expected to immediately notify the MCC Office of the Registrar,” as per policy number 4.070.05 of the College’s Policies and Procedures Manual.
- As of March 7, 2017, the Administrative Withdrawal (WR Grade) section of the Student Handbook was updated to align with policy number 4.065.15 of the College’s Policies and Procedures Manual, with the removal of, “…after the posted due date,” from the WR2 grade description.
- As of February 23, 2017, the Nursing - Registered Nursing (RN), AAS (ADN) and Practical Nursing - PN Step-out Certificate (PNSOC) programs of study were updated to include the following statement in Prerequisite Requirements, item number three, “…(one of the 200 level BIO courses may be used to meet the requirements in 2.A above):” The statement was inserted upon discovery of omission, and to align with program modifications approved for an effective start date of the spring semester of the 2015-2016 academic year.
- As of February 23, 2017, the Nursing - LPN to RN Track, AAS (PNRND) program of study was updated to include the statement in the Program Prerequisites, after BIO 181, “Note: One of the above 200 level BIO courses may be used to meet the Biology Competency Exam, BIO 100, or BIO 181 requirement.” The statement was inserted upon discovery of omission, and to align with the program modification approved for an effective start date of the spring semester of the 2015-2016 academic year.
- As of February 3, 2017, the Nursing Assistant Program (NDNA) was updated with a corrected reference to the Nursing Assistant web page for more information.
As of January 7, 2017, with the removal of the Saturdays @ MCC webpage, the following statement was removed from the Community and Business section of this catalog, “Saturdays @ MCC are half-day, non-credit classes. The topics are varied and include art, genealogy, technology, and more.” With the creation of the MCC Community Education registration webpage, the link to Course Schedules was also removed from this section.
As of December 21, 2016, the MCC Connect section of this catalog was updated to include closure of the call center on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s day.
As of December 21, 2016, the Student Handbook and Transfer Information sections of this catalog were updated to include Credit for Industry Certification and Life Experience Certification information, as per policy number of the College’s Policy and Procedures Manual.
As of December 7, 2016, the degree code for Substance Abuse Counseling, AA has been corrected from AASAC to SACD. Also, reference to the Substance Abuse Counseling, AA (SACD) program of study being a Competency-Based Education (CBE) program was corrected to competency-based Substance Abuse Counseling (SAC) coursework.
As of December 6, 2016, EMS 240 - Paramedic I , EMS 241 - Paramedic II , EMS 242 - Paramedic III , EMS 243 - Paramedic IV , and EMS 244 - Paramedic V were updated to include changes as noted under Modified Courses and are effective for the spring 2016-2017 semester.
As of October 26, 2016, the Bighorn Card sections as found in Financial Information and Student Handbook were updated to comply with BankMobile regulation, and therefore aligned with information as found on the Bighorn Card webpage.
As of October 26, 2016, Arizona Law (ARS §15-1802) In-State Student Status, as found in the Residency Requirements section of this catalog, has been updated to be aligned with current state statute requirements.
As of October 14, 2016, the following statement has been removed from the MCC Placement Guide , “100-level courses with no prerequisites require a minimum COMPASS reading score of 70.”
As of September 28, 2016, the Fees section of this catalog was corrected by removing reference to an unapproved course prefix (ACR) for the ACT Competency Based Education program of study.
As of September 27, 2016, ECE 160 - Early Childhood Development course prerequisite was corrected from “PCS 023 or appropriate placement test scores,” to “PCS 021 or appropriate placement test scores.”
As of September 27, 2016, ECE 161 - Health, Safety, and Nutrition for the Young Child course prerequisite was corrected from “PCS 023 or appropriate score on placement test,” to “PCS 021 or appropriate score on placement test.”
As of August 16, 2016, the new Substance Abuse Counseling, AA (SACD) program of study has been published in this catalog which includes the the following new courses: SAC 101 - Models of Treatment , SAC 111 - Psychopharmacology , SAC 122 - Ethics in Substance Abuse Treatment , SAC 221 - Cultural Diversity , SAC 241 - Disorders Co-Occurring with Substance Abuse , SAC 252 - Counseling Groups and Individuals , SAC 262 - Clinical Assessment , and SAC 272 - Service Coordination .
As of August 8, 2016, the MCC Placement Guide was modified to include a change in the Numerical Math/Arithmetic section. Specifically, an Accuplacer score of 0-29 now places students in to PCS 023 - PCS Math , and an Accuplacer score of 30-79 now places students into TRM 090 - Pre-Algebra .
- As of July 7, 2016, Course Delivery Options , Student Handbook , and Student Resources have been updated to include a direct hyperlink to the online MCC Bookstore.
- As of May 12, 2016, CIS 110 (or higher) is no longer required as part of the following programs of study: Nursing - Accelerated Nursing for Paramedics, AAS (ANPD) , Nursing - LPN to RN Track, AAS (PNRND) , Nursing - Registered Nursing (RN), AAS (ADN) , and Practical Nursing - PN Step-out Certificate (PNSOC) .
- The following course prerequisites have been modified to reflect a generic placement exam in lieu of the COMPASS placement exam, which is being phased out: ACT 110 , ACT 111 , ACT 112 , ACT 123 , ACT 142 , ACT 150 , ACT 162 , ACT 163 , ACT 164 , ACT 190 , ACT 191 , ACT 205 , ACT 238 , ACT 244 , ACT 262 , AES 101 , BTR 105 , BTR 121 , CIS 115 , CIS 116 , CIS 125 , CIS 131 , CIS 135 , CIS 136 , CIS 138 , CIS 141 , CIS 142 , CIS 143 , CIS 145 , CIS 153 , CIS 156 , CIS 280 , CPT 100 , CPT 101 , CPT 102 , CPT 103 , CPT 115 , CUL 111 , CUL 211 , EDU 207 , FSC 105 , FSC 112 , FSC 120 , FSC 133 , FSC 150 , FSC 220 , FSC 223 , HVA 105 , MEA 110 , PCS 021 , PCS 022 , PCS 023 , THE 111 , TRE 089
Curriculum Updates
The following curriculum changes were approved for the 2016-17 academic year (unless otherwise noted). For an all-inclusive summary of approved curriculum changes, see the Committee Proceedings webpage. For specific course packages by prefix, see the Catalogs and Schedules webpage.
Modified Courses
- Corequisites have changed for the following courses: DEH 104 , NUR 222 , NUR 227 , SGT 221
- Course descriptions have changed for the following courses: ART 130 , ART 176 , ART 230 , ART 152 , ART 256 , BIO 100 , BIO 181 , CHM 151 , CHM 152 , CIS 115 , CIS 120 , CIS 135 , CIS 136 , CIS 138 , CIS 141 , CIS 280 , EMS 240 , EMS 241 , EMS 242 , EMS 243 , EMS 244 , GLG 102 , HUM 250 , MAT 161 , MEA 100 , MEA 141 , NUR 222 , NUR 228 , PSY 245 , PTA 203 , PTA 208 , PTA 214 , PTA 215 , SGT 121 , SGT 221 , TRM 090
- Course titles have changed for the following courses: ART 152 , ART 256 , GLG 102
- Credit breakdown has changed for the following courses: EMS 240 , EMS 241 , EMS 242 , EMS 243 , EMS 244
- Prerequisites have changed for the following courses: ACC 120 , ACC 125 , ACC 139 , AJS 101 , AJS 109 , AJS 155 , AJS 160 , AJS 200 , AJS 212 , AJS 225 , AJS 230 , AJS 240 , AJS 245 , AJS 260 , AJS 270 , AJS 275 , ART 111 , ART 121 , ART 133 , ART 148 , ART 151 , ART 152 , ART 171 , ART 175 , ART 176 , ART 245 , ART 256 , ASL 131 , BIO 100 , BIO 181 , BUS 208 , CDA 102A , CDA 102B , CDA 102C , CUL 115 , CUL 116 , CUL 117 , CUL 118 , CUL 214 , DAE 114 , DEH 104 , EDU 260 , EMS 240 , ENV 101 , GHY 213 , GLG 102 , HUM 250 , MAT 161 , MAT 201 , MUS 211 , NUR 222 , NUR 227 , NUR 228 , NUR 229 , NUT 203 , POS 100 , POS 227 , SGT 121 , SGT 221 , WLD 100 , WLD 102 , WLD 105 , WLD 125A , WLD 126 , WLD 129
- The following courses are now designated as courses: HIS 131 and HIS 132 . For more information about SUN courses, please visit the Transfer Information page of this catalog.
Modified Programs
- Accounting, AAS (ACCD) changed its Total Degree Credits from 63 credits to 60 credits with the removal of CIS 135 from the program. This change affords students the ability to complete the program in a reduced amount of time.
- Business - Retail Management Certificate (RTMC) changed its Total Degree Credits from 31 credits to 28 credits with the removal of BUE 110 from the program. The change was made as the math competencies for the program are covered to a satisfactory degree in ACC 125 .
- Dental Hygiene, AAS (DAED) changed its Total Degree Credits from 95 credits to 97 credits with the retirement of DEH 110 from, and addition of CIS 110 or higher into the program. The retirement of DEH 110 was made as it was discovered that students have refined research and writing skills developed in ENG 101 and ENG 102 and through the use of embedded librarian. CIS 110 or higher was added to satisfy the technology section of the AAS General Education Checklist . DEH 106 was replaced with DAE 106 in Fall - Year One. DEH 100 was moved from Spring - Year One, to Fall - Year One.
- Nursing - Accelerated Nursing for Paramedics, AAS (ANPD) : Beginning fall 2016, the required math will be MAT 142 or MAT 151 in order to be considered for admittance into the Nursing program.
- Nursing - LPN to RN Track, AAS (PNRND) : Students who have successfully completed the MCC Practical Nursing - PN Step-out Certificate (PNSOC) program are not required to take NUR 137 , which is a bridge class to the MCC nursing program. NUR 137 is based on the theory of the healing community transitions, and is taught in NUR 121 and reinforced in NUR 122 . Beginning fall 2016, the required math will be MAT 142 or MAT 151 in order to be considered for admittance into the RN Nursing program.
- Nursing - Registered Nursing (RN), AAS (ADN) : Beginning fall 2016, the required math will be MAT 142 or MAT 151 in order to be considered for admittance into the RN Nursing program.
- Practical Nursing - PN Step-out Certificate (PNSOC) : Beginning fall 2016, the required math will be MAT 142 or MAT 151 in order to be considered for admittance into the RN Nursing program.
New Courses
New Programs
Retired Courses
Effective Immediately
- CHD 150 - Principles of Self-Help Groups
- CHD 220 - Family Dynamics and Chemical Dependency
- CHD 236 - Recovery and Relapse of the Chemically Dependent
- CUL 215 - Artisan Breads
- DAE 109 - Dental Assisting Materials
- DEH 102 - Clinic I
- DEH 106 - Dental Radiography
- DEH 110 - Research Strategies in Dental Hygiene
- DEH 201 - Clinic II
- DEH 202 - Clinic III
- DEH 203 - Practice Management
- DEH 208 - Dental Materials
- ECE 272 - Classroom Management
- ECE 273 - Play Education
- ECE 274 - Practicum
- EMS 210 - Emergency Services Instructor 1
Effective August 2017
Retired Programs
- No programs were retired for the 16-17 academic year.