Arizona Higher Education Course Equivalency Guide (CEG)

Students intending to transfer to another institution should meet with an advisor to learn about the resources available and to facilitate the transfer of Mohave College credits to the university. The Arizona Commission for Postsecondary Education, in conjunction with the Arizona Board of Regents, publishes the Arizona Higher Education Course Equivalency Guide (CEG) and transfer pathway information at AZTransfer. The CEG shows how courses transfer from community college to ASU, NAU, and U of A. For a course to be eligible for transfer, the student must receive a “C” or better. Acceptance of a transfer course is determined by the receiving institution. The CEG “equivalency” does not mean that the community college course is identical to the university course or vice versa, but that the course is regarded as fulfilling the requirement of the designated university or college course. The evaluations of transfer credit in the CEG refer only to community college courses and their acceptance at the respective four-year institutions in the state of Arizona. Students are encouraged to consult with the appropriate transfer institution’s academic department for major course requirements before deciding on current class schedules.
Shared Unique Number (SUN) System

The SUN System is a college course numbering system designed to help Arizona students plan their post-Mohave College education by ensuring that courses taken at Mohave College transfer successfully. Enrolling in SUN courses is an easy way to plan ahead, to maximize course credits, and to save money.
The SUN System provides a list of courses taught at Mohave College and other Arizona colleges. These courses will be accepted at any Arizona college. Students who wish to take advantage of the SUN System should review the Course Equivalency Guide on the AZTransfer website to search for additional transferrable courses. The advisors on each campus can provide additional information on course transfer and transfer programs.
SUN courses have a unique three-letter prefix and four-digit course number that represents direct course equivalency at all Arizona public community colleges and universities. Each institution retains its original course numbers but uses the SUN to indicate commonality. For example, financial accounting has several different prefixes and numbers at the community colleges and universities (see the table below).
ACC 2201
Financial Accounting
Arizona State University |
ACC 231 |
Arizona Western College |
ACC 211 |
Central Arizona College |
ACC 201 |
Chandler-Gilbert Community College |
ACC 211 |
Cochise College |
BUS 201 |
Coconino Community College |
ACC 255 |
Eastern Arizona College |
BUA 233 |
Estrella Mountain Community College |
ACC 211 |
Gateway Community College |
ACC 211 |
Glendale Community College |
ACC 211 |
Mesa Community College |
ACC 211 |
Mohave College |
BUS 221 |
Northern Arizona University |
ACC 255 |
Northland Pioneer College |
BUS 120 |
Paradise Valley Community College |
ACC 211 |
Phoenix College |
ACC 211 |
Pima Community College |
ACC 101 |
Rio Salado College |
ACC 211 |
Scottsdale Community College |
ACC 211 |
South Mountain Community College |
ACC 211 |
University of Arizona |
ACCT 200 |
Yavapai College |
ACC 131 |
Some courses may require a placement exam upon transfer to a different institution. |
Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC)

Effective January, 1999, the Arizona community colleges and universities agreed upon a common structure for a transfer general education curriculum. This curriculum provides students attending any Arizona community college with the opportunity to build a general education curriculum that is transferable upon completion (without loss of credit) to another Arizona community college or university. The Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC) is at least 35-credit hours of lower-division general education coursework. There are three forms of the AGEC: Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGECA.CC) for students majoring in the non-business/non-science programs; Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGECB.CC) for students majoring in business; and Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGECS.CC) for students majoring in the physical/biological sciences and engineering. The general education subject areas include English, mathematics, arts and humanities, social and behavioral sciences, physical and biological sciences, and options.
All courses included in the AGEC block must be completed with a grade of “C” or better in order to transfer. The block can be completed by itself or as part of an associate’s degree at Mohave College.
The college certifies completion of an AGEC on the student’s transcript if the student applies for this designation. A completed AGEC will transfer as a block to any of the three Arizona public universities (NAU, ASU, and U of A). The AGEC meets lower-division university general education requirements. To earn a baccalaureate degree, students transferring the AGEC must still meet other university requirements within their chosen majors.
A completed AGEC also transfers as a block to meet the general education requirements at other public Arizona community colleges. Transfer students who wish to earn an associate’s degree must then meet any additional community college degree requirements at that particular institution.
Types of Transfer
- The AGEC Block will transfer to the state of Arizona public institutions, i.e., the state universities (ASU, NAU, and U of A) and community colleges. When a student completes and applies for the AGEC, the student’s transcripts will note the completion of the AGEC. The completed AGEC will meet the general education requirements (also known as liberal studies requirements) for Arizona’s public higher education institutions. Students should be aware that universities and departments may have other requirements in addition to the AGEC.
Individual courses can transfer to a university in three different ways:
- Direct equivalency or one-to-one course transfer. In this case, an Mohave College course has a direct equivalent that transfers to a university course.
- Departmental elective. A university may not offer the same course as an Mohave College course, but the department may accept it as an elective for their department. This is helpful especially when the department has a requirement for departmental electives. If they don’t, the course may count as a university elective.
- Elective. The course will only transfer as an elective; it will not transfer as a direct equivalent (one-to-one) or a departmental elective. In this case, it can be used to meet the number of credits needed to graduate.
Transfer Partners and Institutional Affiliations
Mohave College can be a student’s stepping stone to advanced college degrees and other specialized education through the four-year degree transfer partnerships that Mohave College has established with more than a dozen premiere institutions. These colleges and universities offer seamless transfer of most Mohave College credits and programs to bachelor’s degree programs. These premiere institutions offer a wide array of courses and programs through various delivery options. For more details, see the Transfer Partners and Institutional Affiliations webpage for complete list of participating institutions.
Mohave College Transcript Request
The preferred method of requesting official transcripts is online.
For a list of transcript ordering fees, please see the Fee Chart .
It may take up to 10 business days from the receipt of the request in the Registrar’s Office for the request to be processed. A rush processing request may be made for an additional fee. With rush processing, the request for transcripts will be processed the next business day and receive expedited delivery via USPS or UPS. For more information, please see the Outgoing Transcript Request Information webpage.
Students are strongly encouraged to check their Mohave College online unofficial transcript every semester. Any discrepancies that may be on the transcript must be brought to the attention of the Office of the Registrar within one calendar year of the completion of the course(s) in question. Transcript investigation requests that do not meet the appropriate timeline will not be accepted. For grade grievances, see the Grade Related Grievance: Grade Appeal .